Friday, July 11, 2014

Dallas - Day 1 (The Drive)

So...finally all the pictures loaded, and back for the blogging.  After a long delay due to the loss of a camera, and some of our lives now completely gone (Month of June 2014), the blogging continues.  I've got some holes to fill before this Dallas trip, but this was more on my mind right now.  The Dallas trip was 9 days, and has ended up being about 10 blogs.  Our drive time per the TomTom was 9.5 hours to our Dallas hotel, but 7 stops later, it was closer to 12.5 hours.

One of our first rest stops was a rest area.  The kids were playing a "Car Bingo" game, and a Rest Area was one of the key boxes for getting a Bingo.  We were looking for one all over, but couldn't find one, then Magan needed a break for a restroom, and there was nothing, couldn't find a gas station at two exits...I then saw the rest area and we all cheered for getting the bingo box...I nearly missed it because I wasn't even thinking that rest areas have restrooms.  I was still just excited about the Bingo find.  It was probably much more funny if you were there.

We finally made it to Dallas and after taking my first wrong turn of very many in Dallas, we decided to stop at Soulman's BBQ.  Now Soulman's motto was "We ain't stingy with our meat", and I have to say, there was a lot of stinginess with my ribs and turkey.  Back to the roads...Dallas is like one big massive road construction area, and if not for TomTom, I would just leave the kids at home.  But taking wrong turns just seems right to the nice pleasant TomTom voice that takes you to the next exit to make a U turn.  Thank You once again TomTom makers, for inventing one of the best tools known to man.

Also Davis got a hold of the camera for some pics I thought I would share from Soulman's.

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