Monday, July 7, 2014

Mexico City Beach

I think this was the first time that Magan took the kids and left me for a few nights.  The Ratcliff ladies went on an adventure to Mexico City Beach.  I wasn't there so I can't tell the tales, but I heard they stayed in a mansion on the beach with an elevator...Jude would not leave the Ocean...Everybody likes the boogie wife loves taking pictures, but ice cream is more important...there is no such thing as too much sunscreen...saltwater and running along the beach are a chaffing nightmare (unless you have a skin tight scuba suit on)...and at least from what I can tell of the pictures, all of those Ratcliff ladies are looking fine!  I wish I could have been there, but loved seeing all the smiles, and hearing how excited everyone was on their return...exactly two days before our trip to Dallas.  

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