Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dallas - Day 3 (JFK Museum)

Our first drive into Dallas, big big city.  Our first stop in the city on this day was the 6th Floor Museum.  This is a must for any trip through Dallas, and my third visit.  We stood on the grassy knoll and talked to the kids about the history that happened at this spot.  We then went up to the 6th floor and took the tour.  Each of the kids had their own audio tour, and they loved it.  I don't think Davis missed one audio piece of the tour.  Magan took lots of really good pictures including the first one in this blog...yet I am pretty sure she did not read the signs ALL OVER about no photography.  Oh well, they were really good pictures, but probably not supposed to have the whole tour in this blog.  

Side note, I kept pointing to the top floor corner window telling Sam and Davis about where the shooter was at.  Thinking about how smart I was telling them which streets the car came down and when the shots were fired...Sam quickly said "Dad, the top floor is the seventh floor".  I then explained that it was a European way of counting the ground floor as ground, then starting level 1 at the first floor up.  After going in the museum, and realizing that Oswald was on the 6th floor, not the actual 7th, Sam gave me a knowing smile, that I had been wrong outside.  So...don't know why I am sharing...Maybe Sam will explain it better to his little boy one day.

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