Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dallas - Day 2 (Swimming and Rangers)

So what do you do after a 13 hour drive...Gotta do some swimming.  And yes, all of the kids love Miss Ruby, and will NOT leave her alone.  But I think she enjoys the attention.  Mom brought the nice water guns that were directly aimed at the eyes of the nearest sibling...and then taken away with threats of beatings.  All the kids were already tanned from their previous trip to the beach, so I took the opportunity to just redden my pale white self while out there.  And these concrete pools left me, Davis, and Sam with some tore up toes.

After swimming, we went to the Traildust Steakhouse for some lunch.  The steakhouse is famous for cutting your tie off if you wear one in...also famous for the slide down from the balcony.  I didn't catch any pictures, but the kids would slide to the bottom then continue across the floor for a good ways.  Davis was dealing with some very bad toes (concrete pool), so his experience was not as good...till he borrowed my socks.

After Trail Dust, we went to Walmart to pick up some shoes for Dave, and I took this picture of the Cowboys Stadium from our parking space at Walmart.  Pretty cool, the Walmart was right across the street from the football field, and about two blocks from the Baseball stadium.  After what seemed like forever, Magan finally came out of walmart, and we made our way to the baseball game.  Now, Dallas Texas is hot, and today it was in triple digits hot.  So we were not in a hurry to get to our seats which I mistakenly purchased on the 3rd base side which was not in the shade until the 4th inning.  So instead we just went shopping at all of the stores to pick out souvenirs.  Dad is very free with the funds at a baseball game, and the kids know it.  I have also realized that taking the family to the ballpark is very fun, but general admission tickets are the max for kids that are not as interested in the ball game.  We saw the Rangers play the Angels, so it was fun to see Mike Trout and Josh Hamilton.  In the end, the Angels won, but it was a good game to watch and fun to see another MLB stadium.

Sam and Davis are now Jr. Rangers kids club members.  And did I mention that Magan forgot her heart medicine in the car, and needed it around the second inning.  Then she tells me that I should stay and watch the game, she will take ruby with her out to our car parked 1/2 mile away...with her heart not feeling well.  Seriously...Yeah, I am sure I would do well with that one if she died on the way to the car.  Interview with the husband later "Well, I thought she could make it, and the Rangers were having a good inning".  So anyway, I made a speedy trip mid-game out to the car.

Let's see what else happened...Ruby grabbed a beer from the seat behind us and poured it down Magan's cleavage.  Davis complained about not getting to go to the indoor playground that was part of the stadium.  A foul ball almost made it to us.  We got a bobblehead as part of the promotion...but it was a bobblehead of the Rangers announcer...that is weird.

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