Monday, July 14, 2014

Dallas - Day 4 (IKEA)

Now, when you are in Texas, you see Texas everywhere.  Texas is very proud of the fact they are a BIG state, and they put their state shape on EVERYTHING.  They want you to KNOW you are in Texas.  And when in Texas, you gotta have a Texas waffle too.  The key toppings for Sam and Davis were chocolate chips and strawberries.  

Today was the day I am sure the children will remember forever...because of the evil land of IKEA.  OK, Magan really likes this store, so she has to go even though we did not have ANY room for anything in our van...somehow we always add more from IKEA.  Probably another one of her magical wife things.  Anyway, she tells me that the kids treated her to a fun trip to IKEA.  Sam, is a little like his dad, and told Magan that he did not want to be there, and he wanted to find a place to sit.  She looked around to see all of the chairs and couches, and told him sure, find a place to sit...Then he was gone.  Magan then turned around again, and Davis was missing.  So...this is a VERY LARGE store, so Magan gets a little panicked trying to find them.  Sam made it to the cafeteria to find a place to sit, but Davis was still gone...completely across the store in the toy section.  Somehow they were not strangled, but everyone ended up with a new toy and stuffed animal.  

That evening I met up with the family to visit a restaurant that was recommended to me.  After we got inside, I realized this was NOT a family eating establishment, but we were already there, so we were seated directly behind what appears to be the happening singles bar in Addison TX.  Dark, Loud and noisy, but so is cracker barrel, so we acted like we fit in and ordered an excellent meal.  The dinner bread was the best.  Then as time wore on and kids got more and more restless, we realized we needed to get out quick, so we skipped dessert, and then realized we had the beginnings of a blowout from Ruby.  Emergency Exit through the bar area, and we were out, back in the shining sun.  I took the kids swimming once more that evening, as it rained on us, but fun fun fun.  Then we noticed Belle's bottom...which started another fun day.

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