Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dallas - Day 6 (Dallas World Aquarium...and Perot Museum)

So an aquarium with sharks, turtles, and scuba divers...Which kid loved this place the most?  

Magan said that at one time, the scuba diver looked over at Davis and waved to him.  Wow, that made his day.

From what I heard, this lunch of fish sticks was the WORST.  I think Magan is tired of science center lunches.

After the aquarium, Magan and the kids walked back over to the near by Perot museum.  Ruby found her a little buddy to play with.

I love this picture below...Sam looks very tall with his bottom hanging out of the tunnel like that.

After my conference, we met up at KOBE steaks to get some food off the hibachi grill.  And for the first time at one of these places, we sat on the floor by the grill.  Interesting...I think I handled it better than Magan in her barefeet.  Ruby sat right in front of the grill and just gave that cook the deadeye the whole time he was cooking the food.  We each got some gelato for dessert, and Belle found out why playing near a hibachi grill was not a good idea...her hand touched that grill for a bout a microsecond, but she knew that was not a good idea anymore.

And back in the room I got little Ruby cackling...really funny.  Such a sweet little girl.

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