Friday, July 18, 2014

Dallas - Day 8 (Fort Worth Zoo)

We had a choice today to go to the Dallas zoo or the Fort Worth zoo.  Sam did most of the pre-planning for us, finding reviews and prices of things, and he recommended Fort Worth.  So did everyone else it seemed we talked to, so off we went.  This was really one of the best zoos for unique ways to have the exhibits.  I was really impressed, and with Pizza Hut and Burger King choices for food, that was nice also.  

We love the rhinos, but didn't capture any peeing on this trip.  But look at Mom's hair.  It is so big in this rhino picture.  :)

The weather was perfect.  Earlier in the week, it was 101 degrees, so we were dreading the zoo day.  But this day was cloudy and never got over about 80 degrees.  We will enjoyed playing in the mists.  The Fort Worth zoo had three baby elephants, and we got to see each of them.  One is named Belle.

One portion of the zoo looks like a city in the Wild West.  Neat area with a candy store, and older museum of Texas artifacts, and a fun Wells Fargo carriage.  Belle practiced her wave as she told Magan and me that she was a "carriage girl".  Apparently "carriage girls" are very similar to princesses, and have a cute little wave for all they pass by.  

We took a picture of Sam with two bears to show Granddaddy that we get pictures of them too on our vacation.  I guess Sam skipped the long line to pet the crabs and starfish, but Belle and Davis enjoyed it.

Sam got him a new hat, and it is 100% Sam, and we both new it when he found it.  I did not hesitate to add that to my bill.  Davis got a turtle, and Belle a pink giraffe.  I got Magan a magnet, but we have not yet found it so if you see one from the Ft. Worth Zoo, it is ours.

My girly with Curlies riding on my shoulders.  It's really no fair that she knows how much power she was with those smiles...I told her how much I loved her and she one upped me...She said she loved me to the "moon and stars, da whole wor-rold".  And she says it so cute right now.

So we finished the zoo and finished our day at Maccaroni Grill...where it appears Magan was playing with our new camera a bit.  Our day ended as it did many nights on this vacation.  Watching an episode of Full House together before bed.  :)

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