Saturday, July 31, 2021

Eagle Work Days

Sam is getting very close to completing his Eagle Scout Community Project.  Working with Grace Klein and their "House on the Hill", he was joined by 14 other scouts to help clear the trail and add the stairs along the steep portions of the trail.  Earlier in the week, we met granddaddy and placed the three benches that were completed back in June.  We also walked over the bridge Sam and I had built also in June.  So on this work day, we focused mainly on the trail.  

And this day was so HOT.  We got a little of a late start waiting for Mr. George to come get the trailer of wood we had loaded earlier that week.  So we began our work day around 10AM, and it was already at 90 degrees.  So thankful for Mr. George and Mr. Scott staying to help as the three adults worked with three groups of boys to knock out the stairs.  Sam was great running all over keeping things coordinated.  We took lunch a little early around 11:15, because really, we were about to start passing out.  You can see the one picture with me and sam serving lunch...we were give out.  

But after lunch, we were able to push for one last round of work and finish up everything except for some concrete around the trail marker poles.  The trail is named "Finding Joy in the Journey" and while I don't know if I saw much joy on any faces during this day, I do believe it will bring joy to many that are on it later.  And I know Sam has worked so hard to get to this point.  He has planned the work and worked the plan.  His fundraiser paid for all the materials, and was able to pay for lunch for his helpers on this day as well.  He is two poles put in place with concrete, two merit badges just needing a signature, and one eagle project needing one signature away from achieving the highest rank.  

Crazy things from this day...Mark appearing from out of nowhere to eat lunch after everyone was done...bottom drops out of the sky right after our work day ended...Noah sitting on a bench staring off into space...Cole wandering around trying to look like he was working...Aiden answering questions without making any sounds...Sam with poison ivy on his arm from where?...Fallen tree right at the entrance to the trail...Me trying to dig thru asphalt

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