Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Our Journey West...Closure

Yes, this is the last one...just a catch all blog to capture the last remaining memories that slipped through the cracks in my notes.  A picture below captures our initial planning to pack the suitcases, and it worked really well, but we found out that all 5 of us can fit into one bag for each grouping of hotels, but the other one of us (not naming names) required 2 bags at each stop.  

We had a mess of brochures, a fun collection of souvenirs, Some new books to read (So far, I have finished Midway Memories, but hope to get to the Kolb brothers story at the Grand Canyon next), a collection of Junior Ranger workbooks, amongst piles of snacks that somehow made it 5647 miles without being eaten.  Davis cooked us some chicken alfredo on the night we returned.  Our Amazon box pile was borderline ridiculous.  

On the way to sequoia waze kept telling us to turn, but we kept going anyway.  Grandaddy called and said that he had been re-routed.  I told him it was telling me to re-route as well, but I kept going.  It was somewhat exciting, this battle with Waze over what to do next.  In the end, the obstacle was not there, looked like they had some major work on the road that had just recently finished...so both granddaddy and I made it through.  I told Anabelle this was like a twilight zone...we kept going, but what would happen if we entered a city that we weren't supposed to be in.  She looked at me and quickly said "yeah, dad, that would be wandavision".  Oh yeah, nevermind.

I bought some movies for the kids to try out on this journey.  I bought all of the original star trek movies.  And the kids had a DVD on, but were being abnormally loud, as they had started Star Trek: The original motion picture and had no interest.  I told them they should try Star Trek IV:  The Return Home.  It was really the only one I ever liked, and made me laugh with the scenes of spok in 1980s earth.  And we did not realize it, but they had actually tried it.  It was shown in one of the blog days, but Davis had passed out so bad, his head was just bent over rolling with each turn.  And the girls were nose up ugly sleeping.  So apparently Star Trek of any movie was not a big hit.  

Magan had a random note that she took a cold shower at Yosemite b/c it was the only way to cool off.  And a random note that Granny said all the shots on the wall were from people after their hikes who couldn’t hold their heads up to shower.  Maybe they will remember?  

Our Sunday Lessons (3 on this journey) were all around the theme of nothing separating us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).  On our first Sunday, we spoke about the depths while sitting on the front porch of our room near the rim of the Grand Canyon.  On our second Sunday, we spoke about the heights while sitting on some benches near the Yosemite waterfall.  Our third Sunday, we sat on a bench inside the Gateway Arch museum and spoke about the past, present, and future...the powers of this world.  Through all of the depths and heights that we had experienced, through all of the life, death and powers we had read about in the many museums...Nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.  And now this blog series is complete and behind us...Where we go and who we are tomorrow depends on the choices we make each day.  

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