Thursday, July 1, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 14 - Breckenridge

 We left Ruby's favorite hotel, and had a short drive over to Colorado.  I think the drive was only 5 hours, and we were hoping to make it in time to ride the alpine slides at Breckenridge before the rain came in.  We had been very fortunate for this whole trip in not getting into any problems with rain, but this day showed rain most of the day in Breckenridge.  We then drove through alot of rain just as we were getting to the city, but still keeping our fingers crossed.  We parked in downtown breckenridge to take the gondolas up to the slides, so no rain so far, and one ride down...I am going to include the gondola as a ride, even tho it was free, it was pretty fun to ride up into the mountains.  

Up at the top, we knew the forecast was not good, but they had a plan for three rides that was "reasonable".  So we paid for this ticket and looked for the first ride.  Lightning was already in the area so while they had closed the alpine slides, they had not yet closed the alpine coaster.  I had not ridden on of these before, so we got into a horribly long line and waited out turn.  Everyone rode on their own, except for me and Ru riding together.  And wow, this was so much fun.  We were going so fast I asked Ruby if we should slow a little...NO she screamed as we blasted down the hill with her giggles on every turn.  

After the ride, we noticed that they were sending the sleds up to the top of the mountain for the alpine slides, so we went down to be in line.  But then thunder ruined our expectations again, so we went back to the alpine coaster where we started getting rained on, then it began to sleet on us...A reminder, this is July 1st!  And apparently while thunder and lightning will not shut down the coaster, rain and sleet will do it.  And as it began to sleet harder, we all ran down to the restaurant to wait out the storm.  But we had arrived late in the day around noon, and the park closed at 5PM, so with little luck of getting any more rides in, we decided to get a refund for the tickets we were unable to use, and head to our hotel.  

Our hotel was at the Beaver Run ski resort, and it was huge.  Checking in was fun just trying to find the front desk.  An older hotel, but one I liked because we once again got to stay with Granny and Granddaddy in the same room.  We had a suite on the top floor, and the room had a living room and kitchen on one story, then two bedrooms and two baths on the second story.  And did I mention this was our third hotel with no AC.  Haha, but no so bad when you have sleet earlier in the day, and a nice mountain breeze.  Sam and Davis got the sofa bed in the living room at this location.  And of course, the kids immediately wanted to visit the really cool pool and hot tubs we could see from our balcony.  But I wanted to try something different, and Magan helped me with planning for supper, while me and the kids played some games in the resort arcade.  It was pretty fun, I put $20 on a card, and we all shared playing skeeball, basketball, air hockey, and free for all was the putt putt course.  Granny and Granddaddy had went out to the art festival here in town while we were playing games, but that was where Magan had found a supper for us, so we weren't far behind them.  After our games, we did collect over 20 tickets, which Ruby and I picked out a pirate ring which I am currently wearing as I write this blog.  Pretty awesome ring for only $20.  

We walked down the street into town to find Trolley Crepes for supper.  I had seen the menu and wanted only the dessert crepes.  Once we arrived, it looked like they were closing, so I told her we wanted lots of crepes if she would stay open for a bit more, and she did.  But the kids were not with me, they were with Magan who was getting a sales pitch from a guy who worked on the hubble telescope, and now he sold little marbles that look "like infinite worlds" within them.  And we know have one...I don't know what we will do with our little marble, but we do have one.  They finally joined me at the crepe stand and we had a BBQ crepe, a Chicken Ranch crepe, a Nutella and Blueberry crepe, an Apple Pie crepe, and a Smores crepe.   Wow, just wow...My favorite was the Apple Pie, but hearing the kids talk about it today 3 weeks later, they still rave about the BBQ crepe and talk about WAY TO MUCH RANCH on the other chicken crepe.  The ones in the pic below is the smores and apple pie.  

And finally after filling out bellys, taking some Davis as the indian pics, then some silly eagle scout pics for Sam with Davis acting crazy...we finally hit the swimming pools.  The kids were excited that Granny got in the pool with them.  And I remember Ruby telling me about the hot tubs "They are stinking hot".  And Davis being Davis got lost in the resort, and could not remember the room number, so he decided to knock on everyone's door on the 8th floor, before finally returning to the hot tubs to find us.  And Davis being Davis, let us know that it was everyone else's fault that he was lost and could not remember it was 83420 and not 83410.  And based on the pictures below, the only other things I can remember is Davis falling very weirdly down the spiral stairs when we were going out for dinner, and both him and Magan cracking up at the meme pictured below.  Davis does a spot on impression of this lady, and it is funny...but Magan could not hardly get to sleep this night because she thought it was so funny.  Oh well, maybe Day 14 is making everyone delirious.  We did all give big hugs to Granny and Granddaddy as they were leaving early the next morning, and while going the same direction, going much faster and away from our vacation.  It was great to have these last few nights together in tents, a home, then a hotel...but a chance to be a little closer in the evenings.  

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