Sunday, July 25, 2021

Peavine Falls

As mentioned during the Quarantine blog, I found a fun Sunday afternoon to get the kids out of the house, and still be socially distant.  I felt bad that they had been stuck in the house all week, and I had a hunch with all the rain that Peavine Falls would be flowing well.  Sam and Ruby did some geocaching on the way down to the falls, and we also found a new trail from the top of the falls to the trail to the bottom.  But the best part of this day was the amazing water fall at the bottom.  Then Davis and Belle asking quietly if they could stick their head in the water.  Of course.  Then their faces lit up when I told them to just get wet and have fun.  I had brought some snacks and TOWELS.  We have been down here several times before, but I am typically the worrisome dad that doesn't want them to be wet and have to ride home wet, and maybe have some chaffing issues with the hike back up...but I didn't want to be that dad today...and it was a good decision.  Even Sam got into the waterfall after a little convincing.  "Sam, I don't think we will see the water flowing like it is right now, and be pretty much all to ourselves".  Then he calmly took off the hat and went in.  

After leaving we got some vegetables dad-style from Cracker Barrell.  Then took some home to our mom.  She was with us thru text...I still have what she wrote "Make sure to film them a little", "Did y'all bring towels", "They look so sad :)", "Did Sam get in".  And I wish I could remember me and Belley Boo's conversation that prompted the selfie pic at the end of our hike.  But I don't remember, but I do remember that was almost the exact smile she gave me down at the waterfall when I told them they could go to the waterfall.  

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