Saturday, July 24, 2021

Quarantine Days Again

It is really crazy how quickly you can forget how slow our days became last year during the COVID quarantine.  Our lives slowed down, we unplugged a little, we played board games, and we hung out together more.  But time passes, and we all started moving a bit faster,  our groups started meeting, so us leaders started planning, and before you know it, we were back in the fast lane trying to keep up with everyone else.  But that quickly came to a halt with a call from Magan one Tuesday morning, when she relayed to me that she had lost her sense of smell.  Recognizing this as one of the easy tells of COVID, she went to the urgent care and it was confirmed.  So being in Cullman at the time, she backed her bags and came back home, where we quarantined her to her room, and quarantined everyone else to the house.  I had received the vaccine earlier in April, so was the lone periodic escapee from the house, staying masked when around others.  

After a second day of fever, and a full day of 103 degree fever, Magan went to the ER to get the infusion treatment, which had her much better within a few days.  So luckily, we get to keep her as a major character in this series of blogs for awhile longer.  

During her sick times and recovery, the kids though once again slowed down a little more, unplugged a little, played some board games, and we got some opportunities to hang out together a bit more.  I knew things were getting serious downstairs when Anabelle asked me to help her set up the ladder.  Then Davis went downstairs, and the next thing you know, you can no longer see the floor downstairs due to Tent City.  This tent had two separate living areas, one in the back for Anabelle and Ruby, and a larger one with more headspace for Davis.  And I think they lived and slept in Tent City for 5 nights.  I really just couldn't tell them know, we were in Dad Rules, and cleaning up was not one of them.  

Speaking of dad rules and dad leading the household, well, I am not going to give myself much credit.  Those kids were amazing while Magan was sick.  Multiple times I forgot about Magan (yes, I was going to say I forgot about feeding her, but I think I just forgot she was in the house), then when I remembered and ran to check and make sure she was still alive, I found that Sam had made her some broth, or that Anabelle had made her the soup, or that Davis had brought her the gatorade I had forgotten.  I also forgot Magan told me to give the kids medicine one day.  And then when I did bring it to them late in the evening, Anabelle having to tell me "It's ok dad, I already fixed the medicine for me and Ruby this morning.  We can just put what you made in the fridge for tomorrow".  

Oh well, I did take the kids swimming later when Magan was recovering.  And we had Peavine Falls all to ourselves as well.  I made it into the tent to play some "Trouble".  And later that week as we were almost leaving our quarantine, we even remembered mom and let her watch Loki with us from her room.  Glad our mom is better now.  And super glad the kids don't have to rely on dad too much.  


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