Sunday, July 4, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 17 - Gateway Arch

So this was definately an audible from the original plan, but I started to think "Why come back on a Sunday, when Monday is a holiday?"  So where have I been trying to get Magan to for as long as I remember...Graceland.  And once that was in the picture, the map made it pretty clear.  Of course there was a shorter road thru podunk Missourri, but for just a few extra miles, we get to see the Gateway Arch.  This plan did come through early enough for me to realize that on the 4th of July, with COVID restrictions, I better get tickets early, and I began checking daily until they became available.  Then a quick estimate of how long it would take us to eat a nice breakfast at our sweet Embassy Suite breakfast and on to St. Louis.  Pre-pay for parking at the closest garage two blocks from the arch, and there you go, we had a plan and a destination.  

I did take a picture of the breakfast the girls helped me make for Mom.  They were the cutest because mom takes the longest to get ready and she often doesn't get to eat with us.  But they know exactly what Mom wants.  Ruby found the chocolate donut, and Belle brought the coca cola.  Then they both got big eyed at the site of a bowl of watermelon, and knew she would want some of that.  I think I got her the eggs...You can guess the one thing she did not eat.  Also before leaving, I had to have a little talk with the blackberry (black van if you have forgotten) about who it was hanging out with at night at this hotel, as I was not real sure about the fancy sports car all nuzzled up to it in the parking lot.  

The drive to St. Louis was not so bad.   Magan and I heard a new (old song, new to us) song "Search the book again" that neither of us realized the other was listening to until the end when we both asked at about the same time "Did you hear that song?"  And it was followed by one I really like but haven't heard in awhile "Angel with no Halo".  

We made it to the Arch in time for our 2PM tickets, and had enough time to enjoy some of the museum and eat lunch first as well.  We did have to make it on to Memphis that night, so we needed to head that way as soon as the trip to the top was complete.  Ruby was excited to get yet another NPS badge, I never realized this was actually called a National Park.  So we did some photo recreations and fun pics waiting for our time on the elevator, and then we put on the masks and finally got to the elevator.  So.   we were a little late getting in line because the girls had to go to the restroom first, and the one downstairs was it was a LONG LONG walk in this museum to the upstairs one.  But no problem, it only delayed us one elevator ride up.  And we finally made it to the elevators, and since there are six of us, we get two for our family.  But we had to make one photo recreation from our last time her in 2015 (Blogs make finding pictures and anything super easy to find online), so we had our plan and were ready...then alarms go off EVERYWHERE!  Wow, I don't remember this happening when the elevators arrive.  That is not what happens, this is what happens during a fire alarm at a National Park.  We were all calmly evacuated out of the building and to the legs of the arch.  Where we sat and tried some more photo recreations, only realizing later that Magan has no clue about angles when looking at a picture, she very consistently gets the mirror image.  Then we saw the employees going back in, and realized quickly, we were no where near the main entrance where we needed to re-enter the building.  So back we go, back to the entrance, back thru security (NO MA'AM we do not want another green screen picture), back down the stairs, back thru the museum, and back into a new line that had formed.  So here we are again at the elevators, only then realizing, we were one bathroom stop away from being at the top of the arch when the fire alarms went I guess it wasn't so bad.  

You can see the pictures from the top.  We made it there and we had a quick 10 minutes very high in the air.  They have each pod with designated windows, so Davis almost caused the Park Ranger to go medieval on him when he walked to the very middle of the arch outside of our pod area for a picture. And that was enough fun at the Gateway Arch, but Magan needed the naked man fountain picture, so we made sure to capture that before we left, much later than I had planned, but judging how the rest of this night went, it couldn't have been much worse.  

Our drive down to Memphis was nice, as we hugged along the Mississippi river the whole time.   We went through one patch that was like a rain of insects and mosquitos on the interstate.  The car was messed up thru this section of bugs.  And at the gas station we stopped at, Sam and Belle were eaten up with bites in just a few minutes.  

After sunset, we began to see fireworks all around us.  Magan turned on "Got bless the USA" and cried, then she started singing all the patriotic songs to the rest of us in the car, and we started crying and then crying out for her to please stop.  Ha, she was so excited to see one set of lights and Davis said "Mom! That's not fireworks, that a gas station sign", and it was for Cooter's fireworks.  This was truly a weird night, because we stopped a couple of places for bathroom stops and gas, and let's just say with the fireworks, loud cars, and general scenery, we were ready to get out asap.  We were happy that we had a great supper with actual vegetables at Cracker Barrell earlier in the evening.

And then our last adventure came as we arrived in Memphis.  So this is July 4th, and I the only hotel where I found a room that would fit our crew, a springhill suites in downtown memphis.  Not realizing that in downtown memphis, they have a HUGE road closing July the 4th fireworks show.  And it just ended as we everyone in the city was leaving, as we were arriving to WAZE taking us to roads only going out of town.  So we turned around and drove further north before again trying to enter the middle of memphis...still shut down...then we called the hotel, and they said they had the same problem but said you can get to the hotel.  And we basically went past the hotel and came into town from the far north side, and roads were open for us to get to the hotel.  We unpacked for the 10th time, and I drove down 2 blocks to the overflow parking, walked back past some sketchy conversations, keeping my eyes at my feet and my feet towards the hotel.  So I think we were in room and winding down around a fun exciting day.  But one more to go.  

Search the Book Again - Jerry Goff

I dreamed that I had died and gone to heaven,

I stood just outside the eastern gate;

The Man from within said, "Have you been born again,

And is your name written in the Book of Life?"


Please search the book again; I thought my name was there!

I went to church on Sunday, tho' I never knelt in prayer;

Please search the book again; it's too late now, I know,

Please search the book again before you make me go!

I told Him all the deeds that I had done,

I told Him all the trophies I had won;

But the Man said to me, "Have you been set free,

And is your name written in the Book of Life?"


And then He turned and left me standing there,

I knew it was too late now for prayer.

Oh, my sinner friend, if you want to make it in,

Your name must be in the Book of Life.

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