Monday, July 5, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 18 - Graceland and the Drive Home

I'm going to Graceland, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.  Finally we were heading to our final destination on this long journey.  Nothing to special about the morning other than a spectacular parallel parking maneuver I did at the Springhill suites.  But I won't even mention it, it was not even worth capturing in a blog for forever.  We had tickets for the 11:00AM tour at Graceland, because with our previous day, we knew we needed some time in the morning.  And then we were there...bringing Magan back to some fun memories she shared with us about her family coming here when she was just a girl.  It has definitely grown since then, as we later found out, they now have a museum for almost every section of Elvis' life.  Then a whole museum for Lisa Marie.  

So if you haven't been to Graceland, you will be shocked when you see the ticket prices.  Dear me, I did not mention these to Magan, as by the time she reads these blogs, I will tell her the price, and due to inflation, it will not seem that high.  But this was probably the most expensive day of our whole Outwest Journey...wait, let me check something...yes, this was it...most expensive day.  But Com'n, this is the home of the King of Rock and Roll.  So on we rocked and on we rolled.  

The "Entry Lady" getting everyone in line for the Graceland home tour was great, and while we waited, she told us about meeting the "most gorgeous man" she had ever seen in her whole life.  She was a teacher in the memphis area, and she told us about how she ran right into him and scared him to death as she grabbed him and had the most beautiful moment of her life.  She said he was very nice but also quick to get some steps away after their "encounter".  She later told about her jealousy that that gorgeous man would be chasing after that little 14 year old school girl Priscilla.  She then started working at Graceland taking care of Elvis' horses, and became good friends with Priscilla thru a shared love of horses.  She spoke of Priscilla as a close friend, and one she has often told that "I wish I could have gotten to him first".  She also cracked us up  when some other museum goers tried to get passed her and into the tour line.   "Mmmmhmmmm, I see you have a ticket, so do they (pointing to all of us), now please get in the back of the line" she said in a perfect teacher voice.  

Graceland is the 3rd most visited house in America next to the White House and Biltmore.  We were told Lisa Marie still uses it sometimes when she is in town.  And who would be our audio guide on this really amazing audio/visual tour that gave us each ipads...none other than the John Stamos.  Who played Uncle Jesse on Full House, which is common knowledge, but did you know Jesse was the name of Elvis brother that passed away as a baby, and the reason for the character name.  Well, that's what John told us.  The home tour was really cool, and the jungle room was probably my favorite.  But the mirrors down the stairs...and personal raquetball court in the backyard with hot tub area upstairs...he had a pretty neat place all around.  

The home tour was definately the highlight, but the museums were really great.  To a point...I mean, a museum for his cars, then for his secret love of football, then for his army days, then for his early day, then one for his vegas days, then one for his love of airplanes, then one for his ... I don't know...I was at museum overload by the end of this day.  Me and the girls had fun with the virtual experiences.  I don't know where Mom and the boys went, but me and the girls were singing with Elvis, then dancing with Elvis, then having Elvis serenade us.  Hahaha, we have a great video of Belle and Ruby starring up at that "gorgeous man"...and yes, I have my own video of that "gorgeous man" singing to me.  

Before we left, we had to get one of Elvis' momma's famous peanut butter and banana sandwiches of course cooked with bacon grease instead of butter.  And after a quick tour of Elvis' own plane and jet, we decided to get back to our own Chelsea, AL.  What a fun trip, and I can't think of a better way to conclude our final day...similar to Magan and my first trip out west 20 years prior...on that trip we stopped in Tupelo and visited Elvis' birth home.  My notes from this day are quite slim after the entry lady, but I think the pictures tell the stories below...just us being silly together...having fun together...and all a little sad that our journey had finally come to an end.  

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