Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ending the Year

It took us 16 years, but we finally had the neighbors over for a meal.   It was a little awkward at times because we are all neighbors, but I think Magan and I were the only ones that knew each one.   We are not a very friendly neighborhood.  

Apparently there was some end of the year ladies gatherings with the church, because there were a lot of these pictures below.  

Magan ran into a mailbox in our neighborhood, then had a flat tire in the same week.   That was a horrible day where I tried to change the tire in my sunday clothes (came straight from the mentor gingerbread event) while it was raining.  Ugly ugly, and I am a complete idiot on any "manly" activities such as this, so I messed up and lowered the jack one time for several minutes not knowing why the tire was not going up, then realized the jack was not flat and had the van fall over tearing up the jack.   Then I had to get the jack from my van that was there to help.   And finally all was replaced.   Probably better to remove these details to save some dignity, but oh well, I'll include it so Davis can make fun of me periodically with this information.   As he did when he found the broken jack.  

There was an ugly sweater youth gathering at Crystal Deans house, so that happened.  Movie night at the Clemons house.   Mentor Gingerbread competition with the youth.   Sam's first knife he made.   A rook tournament at the Pouncey's house (Magan and I got blasted in 3 hands by the Pouncey's, then a closer game going to the last hand with the Harrison's).   Some random winter camp pictures.   

Me and the girls had our 2nd annual trip to the galleria to find gifts for Mom.   Easily my favorite time shopping when I get to go with those girls.   We always have to at least check out the Build a Bears, a little sad that they don't really ask for one anymore.   And after watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade, it was hilarious that Ruby was so excited to go into a Macy's and see the giraffe from ToysRUs.   We had to get some Auntie Annies pretzels before we left, altho Ruby had another nervous spell, and could not eat any until we got home.  This also led to a fun run to the employee bathroom to puke at the Mountain High Outfitter store.   "Do you have a bathroom"?   The employee said No, then he saw Ruby gagging, and he just pointed and I grabbed her and ran.   I'll be so glad when she get's over this thing...she is never really sick, just a little drainage.   

Anabelle finished her Harry Potter castle, and looked simply amazing as Luna Luvgood.  There was a Panera Bread fundraiser night for AHG below also.   And I learned a game called "Happy Salmon" (no comment, the kids will remember my excitement over this super thought provoking game).  And thus is the end of a fun 2022.   We began the year in Orlando, and leave packed and ready for New Orleans.  I am going to give a big thumbs up to 2022.    A majority of 2021 was just a dumpster fire of misery, so I am glad we kept going for another year, and maybe 2023 will also be worth living as well.