Monday, December 19, 2022

Scout Court of Honor and Christmas Party

 The Court of Honor included the Eagle ceremony for Brandon Brown.   I have been his scout leader since the 1st grade, and it has been great to watch him grow, watch him and Sam become the best of friends, and now to see him hit the highest rank in scouts.   And then he honored me with a Mentor Pin during the ceremony.   Even tho my current role is much more behind the scenes, I really appreciated him remembering me and all the fun times our group had through the years.   

Zach, Eli, and Evan also came home from college to participate in this event, so there were 5 Eagle Rank scouts together again.  I must admit that I have met some eagle scouts over the years, and had to scratch my head abit at how that was allowed to happen...but for these guys, all future leaders.   

The Christmas party was a few weeks later, and not much going on there, except for the following stories that Sam and Davis told me.  Sam wore his Space Santa ugly sweater to the event, and Grant Dabbs made him speechless with his random comment "One small Ho for man, One giant Ho for mankind".   We love Grant, and he is always good for a quote.  They later found that Max paid a kid $20 for a boxcutter, and later looked it up to find it only cost $10.   

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