Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas at Granny's (and Granddaddy's)

For some reason on this day, our first picture taken on this day was Colby and Magan showing off there fancy shoes, and I think this was Colby's fancy pose.   I don't like it, it is weird.   Then Magan with a plate holding her phone.   I included this picture in the blog, as I assume there is a story, and perhaps it will be worth it with the picture.  

I later told Magan that we forgot to take any dinner table pictures, it was a pile of great food...ham that tasted like candy...grits that were good but a really weird yellow color...a more reasonable number of eggs compared to the hundreds Marcia cooked...plenty of bacon.   But the kids were ready for presents and we quickly made the shift to that room.  

At some point, Katie and Granny organized a picture recreation, which I believe turned out well.   I do remember Ellie being so happy about her BB8 that Ruby had gotten her.   Granny won the best gift prize with the Barbie houses, as Ruby only leaves her new play house to go play with the new barbie house.   Granddad liked his Moose mug, as Magan knew he would.  MawMaw brought all some candy, that I am still eating on...I mean it was the kids candy, but I have been taxing them for most of it.  

Then it was time for some games.   Granny played codenames with the little ones, Granddad just played with other little ones, and the rest of us went to the table to play Linkee.   Which was a really cool game that forced you to think, but sometimes think too guess of the night was Steve Jobs with a hint of CEO and turtleneck (John).  

Then we caught wind of a snowstorm coming in (or at least we finally started listening to Shay), so we all quickly jumped in Honda minivans and left.  So the day was great, and time with the family better, but we need to work on a better ending.   But crazy that John and Shay had snow that evening.   Magan and I made it home happy that we never saw any of the devil's dandruff.   

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