Thursday, December 29, 2022

Six Flags with my girls...

So the boys were at Florida College Winter Camp, and we had received our 2023 season passes, and the weather had finally warmed up to bearable, so during a random Thursday in December we drove over to Atlanta for Six Flags.   I have never really got over not taking the girls a couple years back when me and Davis went and dropped the girls off at the Craigs.   So I knew they were due their own trip to Six Flags anyway.   

The park opened at 2PM, so of course we were at the doors at 1:30PM (with a quick stop at Arby's where Ruby got "her own" french dip sub).   And into the park we went straight over to the best ride there...the Twisted Cyclone.   Magan was having some heart issues, so she was sitting out of the roller coasters on this day, but both girls were ready to go, and with hardly any lines, we were on the ride quick.   Screaming and cheering during our first ride, I thought all had went well until we were waiting to unload, and I looked over at Ruby to give me a high five, and she had the puke face.   NOT NOW!   Oh no, I started trying to distract her while we waited to unload...then the gagging started, but we finally started moving to unload.   Getting out of the ride, she ran directly to the walkway down, and spit a big luggie over the edge.   Only then did I double check that no one was beneath, and luckily they were not.   Back on solid ground, Ruby's roller coaster days had come to an end for this day.  But while Magan bought the daily picture pass, me and Belle rode the cyclone one more time.   

As we were leaving the cyclone, we ran into Aaron Craig, his brother in law, and all their kids.   Which was really crazy because I had texted him and told him I would be other there on this day, but he had never gotten the message.   He had no idea we would be there, yet we still ran into them multiple times on this day.   After riding the Scorcher (standing up roller coaster, first for Belle), we went over to the Batman area, where we found our that Ruby did not want to ride any of the rides there, so Magan took her to the Monster Plantation and then to some of the other kid rides while me and Belle hit the coasters.   

So Belle and I hit the Mindbender, where we both looked straight back while going thru the loop, and made ourselves sick a bit.   Then we saw that the Batman ride had started up, so we ran to get in line there.   She had never rode Batman, and was in line for it last time when it went down for maintenance.   But on this day, we quickly made it to the front, and since it was open, we waiting a bit extra for the front.   Which is the best....super cool ride, and we both laughed at our feet tingling as we left the ride.   The lines were starting to arrive about this time, so we skipped the less efficient DareDevil, and went directly to the super efficient Goliath ride.   And rode twice within about 20 minutes.   It is here that I found out that the cyclone was the ONLY coaster with pictures being taken.   So we paid for a day pass for the two cyclone pictures below.   Oh well.   

While we were riding coasters, Ruby and mom went to the carousel, and the driving cars, which was Ruby's favorite.   Magan said she drove the cars three times.   She also somehow talked Magan onto the spinning balloons that magan did not remember how long they spin.   And that took mom out of commission for a bit.   Ruby told Magan at one point "I am glad your heart is not good today, because we get to ride together".   They ran into the Craigs, and sent a picture to Courtney.   Aaron's nickname for Magan is "Gravy", which goes way back to Dothan.   They also ran into River Stewart, one of the girls in our AHG troop.   On the Carousel, Magan decided to ride on the little bench while Ruby was on a horse.   Later they looked at the side of the bench which had little naked images on it....hmmm...Ruby and Magan were confused.   

We then all met back up to ride the Monster Plantation, which is a six flags classic to me.   It has the feel of a Disney ride.   Then it was time to try some "Prenzels" for a snack, We all talked about how this was good, but not near as good as the "Glow Wild" pretzel.   Ruby and I then got in line for the Wonderwoman ride, and seriously it was a 45 minute ride, but wow, for a kid ride, this was GREAT!   I truly like this ride and would do it again no problem.   

We then started making our way over to the train ride (Nope, never took the time to ever ride this at Six Flags before), but Ruby was on board to ride the mine train roller coaster, so we got in line for it.   And were almost at the front, and it shut down.   Oh well, all worked well, because Magan had us a funnel cake with ice cream to share when we got off.   The train ride took us back over to the other side of the park, where Belle and I got to ride Goliath in the dark.   That was another first for me and Belle, and we LOVED IT.   So cool, and perhaps because all was dark already, I could not tell if I was blacking out or not.   

Getting off Goliath, Magan sent me the following text about her and Ru watching a cowboy show...

Magan:  Watching Show
Me:   Good Timing
Magan:  Ru Watching.   Yah m behind getting drunk.
Magan:  I'm
Magan:  Drink
Magan:  Long Drink Line

So we found Ruby watching the comedy show, and immediately made sure we got rid of all of Magan's booze.   It was a cute little show, and I loved just watching Ruby's little giggles at their silly jokes.  We walked back to the front, seeing all the pretty lights.  A fun day, but we wanted one more ride, so Belle and I jumped in to ride cyclone one last time, and got to the next in line....and the ride went down.   And thus ended a fun six flags day missing out on that one last ride.   

We stopped at a Cracker Barrell on the way home, one that was closing in 30 minutes, so I think they were trying to throw us off when they told us the wait would be 30 minutes.   We were in no hurry, so agreed that was fine.   Then they seated us 4 minutes later.   We were the last ones eating at that Cracker Barrel, and watched as they cleaned up and cleaned all around us.   Then you would think you would jsut leave, but nope, Magan decided to do some shopping and we shopped while they cleaned that area.   And they unlocked the door so this Junkin crew could finally get out of this cracker barrel, and they could shut down.   Yep, that was also a first.   


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