Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Glow Wild at the Birmingham Zoo

 I won 4 tickets to this event thru work, and when I told the family, the boys teased me a little about them not getting to go.   But this was a good night with the girls to see the lights.   Davis almost went with us, but I think it was better for him to not go...plus this is very expensive if you don't have free tickets ($20/ticket).   Compared to the Zoo Light Safari that we had attended years back, this was a much cooler event, and the weather was perfect.   It was cold, but not too cold.

We immediately made our way to the train to avoid the lines, but due to some rain earlier in the day, the crowds were very thin at this event on this night.   But it worked well as we got to select whatever seat we wanted on the train, and the girls wanted the very back.  The tunnel was probably the coolest part with the lights all around, but neither Belle nor Magan could get their phones to work at that time.  

There were some really cool flowers that would light up and blow up each time you got near to them, and Ruby thought these were great.   And each section with the glowing animals was pretty neat, and Ruby kept asking for pictures with each one.   At the glowing purple area where the lion is, I don't remember what Belle and I were doing, but there was some crazy dancing, and just being goofballs together.   Later near the snakes, Ruby joined in as we all tried to form snakes with our bodies.   Something about the absence of a crowd and the cover of darkness, lets the little kid in all of us come out and ... for me, that guy has always been silly.   And I am glad those girls have enough silly in them to play along too...and just a giggle from my sweet Magan is all I need to keep doing more and more to hear it again.  

We did have a crazy attack from a pair of dragons that almost devoured us all.   And when those little girls look up at me with those beautiful eyes...one asks for a "Prenzel", and the other for some Hot Chocolate...I can't say no.  I have seen Father of the Bride...I know one day I will be a mess, but for now, they are my princesses, and I love each moment with them.  I asked the girls what was their favorite thing on this night...and it was the "prenzel" (This is how Ruby cutely pronounces it).   Really, tho, it was a pretty amazing pretzel.  Then leaving the zoo, the girl sitting beside me in the van, with the pretty brown eyes looked over and said "I want some Mellow Mushroom pizza"...Yes Ma'am!  Hard to say no.  

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