Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sadie Hawkins Dance

Davis' friend Addie invited him to the Sadie Hawkins dance, and since I guess his 8 girlfriends share him well, he was happy to take her.  While Addie is handicapped, she goes everywhere with Davis and his crew of friends.   They always ensure she is able to join with them whether it be at a home event or sporting event.  I think Davis cleaned up nice, and he was excited to eat at a fancy seafood spot over in Pelham before the dance.   And he still raves about the medium rare Tuna he ordered that night, and I still pick on him that it was not cooked.   Our Davis is a special guy that is a really good person.   He is still a bit of a drama king when he wants, and his interests are often miles from mine, but he is passionate about everything he does and likes, and a good friend to all.  And he said the dance went really well.   My only entry into this night was picking him up at Winn Dixie, and thinking that I had parked next to the wrong person...so as he was getting out of their vehicle, I started driving off...I think Addie and his friends just thought i was being silly, so maybe I got away with that one.  

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