Sunday, May 7, 2023

AHG Graduation

 The girls all did a great job at the AHG graduation event.   This was Magan's fourth year as the troop leader, and it has been fun to watch all of these girls grow, and watch the troop grow.   When she began with the troop, we had 2 PiPas (oldest level group), and now they cover the stage.  This was Anabelles first year in the Pioneer group, and Ruby's last year as a Tenderheart.   

Ruby crossed over the bridge into the Explorers this year, and goes from the red vest to the blue vest, and has to start all over again with her patches.   She did earn the leveling up award, and this year with 83 hours of service, she earned the GOLD presidential award.   She worked all year writing cards for people, cooking food for people, and many many hours helping Magan with preparation to earn the highest award.   And she kept a notebook  with all of her hours.   

Belle did an excellent job MCing this final end of year awards ceremony.   She also earned the Presidential Award, but at the Bronze level.   She did excellent in her first year where the badges are more difficult to earn.   And Belle knows this, she should be keeping a notebook of her hours, but she is not so good at keeping up with those things.   

They are both leaders in their respective groups.   Anabelle always volunteering for whatever is needed, and Ruby always preparing and packing to make sure nothing is forgotten.   And how bout that troopmaster...She did amazing.   She did a speech about being a spark for others, and she told a really funny story about the veterans day event, and Lucy having to lead some songs, when she was not even planning to attend.  She also gave a sad goodbye to the Angell family, who have finally graduated out of the troop.   She handed out awards to all of the leaders, and recognized others that have helped out...the girls will remember that I jumped up and down when my name was called and ran down high fiving all the girls that had no idea what was going on, but realized it was just Mr. Scott being silly.   I grabbed an award, and Mrs. Magan told me it was not mine, so I walked back to my seat with no prize...just a small recognition.   

And just a bit of Magan's troopleader talk...

"I feel blessed to be part of a program that is shaping these girls into kind hearted, thoughtful, helpful, leaders who are just well rounded and will grow to be outstanding citizens in our community.  These girls right here are the future of our nation and what they learn during their time with our troop is meaningful and impactful to the world around us. 

I could seriously talk all day up here about all the many memories we’ve made this year, but I am going to keep this short and just talk about one event that still sticks out in my mind for many reasons.  Our Veterans’ Day Event was at Somerby Senior Living.  All the girls got to talk and visit with the residents, it was so special!   While there we met the ever famous George Winter’s Band, (we all still want t-shirts, right Hadassah?).  Harper and Maddie entertained the residents with their dance moves.

Then, we had a surprise toward the end of the evening.  The event planner decided to have us sing a few impromptu songs…We had not prepared any songs and our normal song leaders (Sonja and Rin) weren’t able to attend.   So we lined up and started to sing …..  We were struggling with words until Lucy Summers came to the rescue and kind of lead the AHG song for us!  When we finished, I found out that Lucy had agreed to come to the event only b/c she didn’t have to sing and somehow she ended up leading the song for the whole troop! Thanks for saving us Lucy!

I want to talk for just 2 minutes about our program theme this year……I timed myself, it was really 2 minutes.  Shine was our theme this year. I want to share a verse with you that I heard recently. It made me think of our theme and how we might be concerned with what others may think if we do what the Bible tells us is right.  It can be very scary for many reasons; we may feel that people would make fun of us or say things that make us feel like we are doing something wrong by sharing what the Bible teaches.   Guess what, people in the Bible felt the same way we feel!  Listen to this verse and it will tell you who will help you, how you should feel, and what the outcome will be.

 Isaiah 50:7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like flint, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.

If we never get the chance to share or speak or go against the world, our light won’t get a chance to shine.  So, we need to be strong and courageous and let our light shine for all to see and be strong like flint and know that the Lord helps us!"

There was a little more, but she did excellent, and I love to watch her leading all of these girls, and even more to watch them laughing with her, but also working with her each year to make the program even better.   

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