Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May You Stay Forever Young

A hodge podge of pictures over the last month, and my favorite, they were added in reverse chonological order.   Ugh, Oh well.   So what was happening this month.   Mrs. Linda Kenwright turned 80 years old, and I would have never thought it true.   She helps me so much with all the young kids, I had her at a decade lower.   She is easily one of my favorites to get to talk to each time at church.  

Ben came to visit with us for a week, and basically just went out with Davis every day...disc golfing, hiking, etc...But he was also there to see the more horrible (for Sam, not Davis) game of skyjo where Sam basically handed Davis a full deck of negative points.   I have never seen anything link that.  And I think Sam has sworn off skyjo for awhile due to this one horrible hand.   

Sam has started working at Rozar's with Granddad, and loving it.  He is up early every morning and making his lunch, but often getting fed anyway.   We do need to instruct grandad on proper placement of the camera for a good selfie.   

Sam had a guys weekend at the Lake with Thomas and Brandon and Sean.   We heard he was the designated fire starter.  

The girls got to got to some days at Vacation Bible School while spending the night with Marcia.  Jude graduated. One of Marcus' kids had a birthday.  Sam went to another prom, and had some very interesting prom pictures.   Family pictures up past Gadsden (nope, not ready yet, but the cracker barrel pics are from after our photo session).   Mrs Linda (previous neighbor) came and visited with Sam and Davis.  I had a fun lunch with Sam and Claire and Ruby at Arbys.  Anniversary new Hawaiian shirt that Ruby and Mom picked out.   Mother's Day pretty dresses.   Field Day for Ruby.  Special trip to Top Hat.  Last day of school.   Belle dresses up like Luisa.  

Mr. George turned 50, so I got to get up on stage and roast him a little, but mainly let him know how much we appreciated him.  I spoke of his upbringing, the son of a farmer and traveling gypsy woman.  Talked about how I remember to spell his last name of Griswold with an OLD at the end.   Talked about all the cool things he had done with the boys, always making good decisions...but I did question the ear ring.   He laughed, and the scouts liked the Mr. George humor.   Great guy!

And lastly, I forgot to mention that Sam got new ping pong paddles for his birthday, and then tore me up that night.   I could not get anything in, and he smashed everything I hit.   And my days are slowly moving into this being the normal, and he now has a new serve that I can not return, or when I do, he smashes back into my face.   It saddens me to know that he will be moving out soon...and these random times will be even more random.   I woke up the other morning with my chest tightening worried about what is next?   I don't know why I worry so much about him...I know he will do well in whatever he chooses, it is just scary to let go and not help as much.   


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