Thursday, May 4, 2023

Sam can Vote!

 Our oldest can now vote.   Wow, that makes me feel old.   I'll go on a tangent remembering my first vote to participate in being the Bush/Gore (broken chad) race in 2000.   I drove home from MSU that tuesday to vote, then turning directly around and getting back to school for class later that day.   Perhaps I had not heard of that mail in vote, or maybe I just wanted to see the amazing gears of democracy turning in the Dodge City town hall.   Oh well, it was a long time before we had a winner of that one.   Sam's first opportunity may also be a fun one.  He has had a busy year and a crazy time with college prep lately.   I think he is just happy those decisions are behind him, and he just had an opportunity for some gifts and of course streamers.  

Davis did the streamers, and even added an Alabama A under his normal seat placemat.   We got him some new boots and a MASH shirt (He is an old soul currently on season 4 laughing at that show all the time).   He also got a new card game SkyJo which has become a good go to.   It has very limited strategy, and lots of luck, but quick to pick up and play.   I also remember Magan fussing at Belle about keeping up with her service stars for AHG alot during this game.   And I think both Sam and I got tickled as I told her that we need to divide and conquer with the kids...I will help Sam and Ruby, and she can help Davis and Belle.   hahaha...she did not think this was funny.   

Happy Birthday eldest son...He has definitely witnessed the worse of our parenting in his 18 years, but through it all, seems to have grown into a pretty awesome young man.  As all dads know, it gets more and more difficult to make them laugh, but it does happen rarely...and on this Sunday exactly 1 month after his birthday, I had a good series at the lunch table picking on Magan's awkward comments on a bigger lady at church...and I almost got food erupting from him and Davis.   Love to see him laugh, love to watch him love on his sisters, and even with occasional bickering with Davis, love to watch them interact as really close brothers.  And yeah, even tho he and I share looks often about his "Smother", he loves her to death even with her constant worries.   Lots of things will change this year in our interactions, but he has always been the guinea pig, we will just see what we mess up, and try and do better with the other 3.   

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