Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Awards Days (Mostly Sam)

 So many awards days this month...Can't they just email these out?   Oh well, I will just go down the list of pictures and see what we have here...

Sam graduated in the top 10% of his class, so there was an awards ceremony in the gym for those accomplishments.   He was recognized from a UA representative for being the first Chelsea recipient of the scholarship he got.   Brandon is going to Auburn, Palmer is going to Auburn, Thomas is going to UNA, Cole is going to Lee, Sean is going to Snead playing golf, and Catherine is going to Birmingham Southern playing tennis...and that rounds out his friend group.  Sam's hat ripped at this event to be hot glued back together later.  

Anabelle was recognized for all As.   And apparently got some fries and ice cream for her celebration.   Davis was awarded for a positive office referrel...I don't know.   I don't remember any other awards for Davis, but he didn't make anything lower than a 95 on his report card, so he is doing all right.  

Sam got to do the walk through of the elementary schools, and got to see Ruby in her class.   Ruby was so excited that morning waking up early telling us about making a sign for Sam.   I'll borrow some of Magan's words from her post on this day... "I thought about this parade first when I thought about his Senior year.  I had 3 older sisters and there’s just something about seeing them at school that makes you so proud to be their little sister.  I think Ruby knows that special feeling now.  Also, Sam says he got interviewed by James Spann, so if anyone sees him on the news or on a post, please let me know!!!"

Sam was awarded a $1000 scholarship from YLDP at the graduating ceremony.   Almost everyone participating from Chelsea received scholarships, with his friend from the Concession stand earning a $5000/year scholarship to Auburn!

Sam received various awards from CTEC, and that is definitely one of the places he will miss.   

And the last set of pictures is something I really like that Chelsea does...Each graduating senior with a GPA greater than 4.0 (Sam was at a 4.3) gets to give a "Golden Apple" award to a teacher that meant alot to them during school.   Some give it to elementary teachers, some to junior high, and some to high school teachers.   To the teachers, it is a great honor, and the students get a chance to speak at this ceremony and talk about their selection and give the award to the teacher.   Sam picked his Career Tech (CTEC) school teacher Mr. Hill, and I don't think many golden apples are given out there, but Mr. Hill was so happy and proud...and it made me and Magan happy that Sam had selected him.   They had really become good friends over the last two years, and Sam was an ambassador for the school and for the automation group.   Sam is still printing some components that Mr. Hill needs for next year, and they have plans to meet this summer for lunch and deliver the 3D printed tools.   Mr. Hill is a 35 year experienced I&C technician, and was an excellent mentor for Sam.  

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