Saturday, June 10, 2023

Honduras - Day 1 (Traveling Down)

Remembering the year before, and the pain and suffering involved when you miss an international flight, we had decided that would not happen again.   Sam, Davis, and I had basically been packing for about 2 weeks prior and had everything weighed out (less than 50 lbs) perfectly and stored in the van the night before.   Our morning began at 1:30AM, leaving the house at 2:30AM, and arriving in line at the American Airline desk at 3:15AM.   Once the lines began at 3:30, they went very fast.   Compared to the 2 employees they had last year checking people in, I think there were as many as 6 people and lines to keep the crowds moving.   So it was no problem this year for us, or any in our group...but like I told the boys...until you are through security and sitting at your gate waiting to board, you are never too early.   

With no breakfast opened as early as we got there, I had a delicious cold turkey sandwich for breakfast.  Then laid back for some rest at the gate.   Sam and Davis went to Starbucks when it opened, and stood right behind Chelsea's Mayor Tony Picklesimer.   When he turned to see Davis in his Chelsea hat, they spoke with him for a bit, and then he bought their breakfast and coffee.   Mr. Picklesimer, you got my vote again sir.   

We arrived in Miami with only a 60 minute layover, and since we arrived in terminal D gate 60, and would leave in Terminal D...I did not think this was a big deal.   But first off, we looked at the big boards of departures/arrivals, and I had no idea where our airport was...hahaha...finally found an email that said it was the city of Comayagua, and thus our puerta de la embarque was D4.   So we found out very quickly that the distance from D60 to D4 was like a 5K through a mass of people.   Note for next year, should we ever have to fly thru Miami again, TAKE the sky tram.   But we made it to our gate with plenty of time to spare, and with the knowledge that our flight had been delayed by 40 minutes anyway.   Great, time for another turkey and cheese sandwich.   I actually found a ham and cheese panada that was pretty amazing.  

Then onto the airplane for our flight to Honduras.   Where we sat on that airplane, and sat, and sat, at after about 75 minutes, we were finally allowed to take off.   We arrived shortly after lunch, and ate at the airport before getting onto the bus.   Me and the boys shared a Dominoes Pizza, and I used my amazing Spanish to also ask for "una CocaCola".   And while we were eating, the groups from Campamento that were with us last year arrived at the airport.   So we got to chat with old friends for while before they headed towards Security, and we headed towards our long 2.5 hour bus ride to Campamento.   It is easy to complain about the lack of leg room, and pains on your butt from riding thru the mountains of Honduras on these little seats, but knowing that we did not fly into San Pedro Sula (5 hours from Campamento) made us feel a little better.   

After unloading in Campamento into our rooms (Sam getting a bottom bunk, and me getting a bottom bunk under Davis), we all went outside to walk down to the park.   Sam and Davis got out and played some futbol with some of the local kids, but as for me, I just sat and watched.   Last year, since we missed a day, our week was extremely packed, but on this day, I was confused, as we had nothing to do but sit and relax for this evening.   Relaxation makes me a little jumpy.   I ended up just walking back and forth to the daycare a few times, and on one of those times, I ran into Daisy and Carmen from the church.   Big hugs to them and lots of broken Spanish greetings.   Carmen's kids were there, so I quickly went into my magic and new rubber band tricks.   Then Maximo showed up and gave hugs to everyone.   That is one guy that is rarely NOT smiling.  

After an excellent dinner at the day care, we started a game of "4 Crowns".   Sam won this game, and I was a terrible loser, but also slowly losing all awareness of time and space.   I am pretty sure I was asleep during 2 of the last 3 rounds.   I don't remember much.   I don't think I showered.   I just hit the bed and passed out.   I remember Peyton making a comment about not having to count sheep in Honduras, just count motorcycles.  There would be other days where it was difficult to fall asleep, but not this one.   I was able to send a few pics and messages to Magan before passing out..."Thekidsareofgod" is the Wifi password there if you need it.   And the last thing I remember about this long day was dreams of a dog coming in the guys room and licking my feet.   Borderline delirious.   I am pretty sure that dog was never there, but perhaps somewhere else in the multiverse...

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