Monday, June 12, 2023

Honduras - Day 3 (School - Borro)

I woke up this morning to a shower that was not much more than a trickle.   In hindsight, they may have shut off the pumps, but the showers never had much of any water pressure.   On this morning, I had to lean back against the shower handle because the pressure did not get the water even away from the wall.   I learned to always from this day forward get my shower at night.   Rushing down to the table downstairs for coffee, I also brought the bible drill bibles and some different games.   I was surprised that the older kids were not at the day care like they were in 2019, but only the little ones.   Oh well, it was fun to watch those little ones come in and head to class.   I was able to play with a few as they came in.   I also got to visit with my friend Yeni that works at the daycare.   We trade messages periodically, and it helps me learn a little more spanish.   

Our first school was Borro, where we had our first tryout of the skit we were to perform many times over the week, and it went great.   Davis and Sam were, I think, Meshach and Abednego...and I played the role of Jealous Official #2.   The kids liked the skit, and then we did our normal arrangement of spanish songs, always ending with ChuChuWa.   Sam and Jason picked right up again with the Bible Drill, and Jonathan helped them at this station during the week.   I tried a ring toss game where they had to quote the Daniel passage before they could play, which went over pretty well.   I also first tried the Bible Character match card game, which was a big hit, and was a staple at the station I tried to run for the remainder of the week.  Davis stayed busy all week helping Dawn with the kids pictures, which is not the greatest job, but definitely needed.   

I got to speak again with Principal Ana here, and she mentioned that her passport issues were fixed, but for some reason, she needs a specific invitation to enter the USA.   I don't know what this rule is all about, but plan to look into it later.   We got to talk more with Maximo on the way over to the school, and he asked about all the National parks in the USA.   I also got to visit with Lillian and her brother, that looked so familiar, but I could not place them.   I finally got a chance to speak with Lillian, and asked if she was the one we visited at her house in 2019, and she smiled and shook her head.   Her family is one that our church sponsors, and we had visited in 2019 when they lived way up in the mountains.   They have now moved to Borro, which is more closer to town.   I felt so bad that we had not written to her and her brother as we do to Eloisa, so that is currently on my todo list.   I still remember the big smile on her brother's face when I gave him a punch balloon many years ago, and so I had to give him another.   This is also where I met the cutest little boy that took my ninja trick and made it his own.   With super serious eyes, he would place the ninja into his pocket, then close his hands and open to show me the ninja had disappeared.   "Excellente, mi amigo" I Cheered.   

Back at the day care, I got to meet a new family that was with us this week...Andy and Suzanne Bates.   Suzanne coordinates the work with CRF at her church, and Andy was a marathoner and triathlete.   Really great working with them this week, and teaching Andy and his son Connor all about Goat Lords.   The power had gone off on this day, not just in Campamento, but the whole  Department of Olancho (So it was hot hot hot with no air flow from any fans).   I remember one time trying to take a nap while Davis was napping above me...but that was quickly interrupted by sounds of Davis doing gymnastics above me.   After I jumped up to see what in the world he was doing, I found that he was standing up taking a picture of a lizard that had been crawling around near the ceiling over his bed.   

A lot of other fun things happened this afternoon.   I got to speak with Eduardo about his family, and learned his brother was a referee (arbito?).   John Clemons opened the door to see me on the toilet (apparently you don't knock at his house), which is always a weird deacon to deacon moment.   We went to deliver food to some local families.   Davis tripped and slammed his head into the wall at the day care, while trying to catch a volleyball...Definitely he was trying to use the first aid kit more than anyone else.  Sam got his hair cut in Campamento with Jason and Peyton.   It actually looked pretty good.   Peyton's beard was the best as they added some color to enhance it, and then he just looked like the villian from the first Hunger Games.   And how much is a hair cut in Honduras...60 lempira or about $2.50.   Sam said it was so precise, they took their time and made sure everything was perfect.   

I did forget to mention that Davis wasn't the only one that was trying to hurt himself.   At the first house we delivered food to, Peyton slammed his head into the front door beam literally shaking the whole house.   We were more afraid of destroying the house than of Peyton being hurt.   And at the second house (members of the Campamento church, and a couple that would be married later in the week), after playing with the kids on the porch, I walked off the porch to the ground which was not quite level.   Davis said it was the slowest fall he had ever seen as I slid, fell to the ground, rolled over, and due to the angle rolled right back and up to my feet.   Embarrassed I quickly blamed Peyton for pushing me down, and I know at least Davis laughed.   And the day ended with a decent shower with decent water pressure.   No dreams, but with lack of air flow, it was a tough stuffy night of sleep.   

What is happening in pics?   Peyton is pretty fluent in Spanish, and the kids really did like him reading them a story in Spanish.  Principal Ana is the one amongst all the children below in a white shirt.  Maximo preached to the adults while we played with the kids.   I watched John Clemons win a round of Solitaire, but found out later he was flipping 1 card instead of 3.   Visited one home after delivering food to them...they had I think 4 kids living in a 2 room home, one room for the kitchen, and the other for everything else.   

This is also the day we selected to wear our new Chelsea/Campamento shirts.   It has our heart logo on front, and the Campamento logo on back.   It was one of the projects I helped coordinate after our trip last year.   And everyone at the campamento church really loved the shirts, and couldn't wait to get their own.   

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