Thursday, June 15, 2023

Honduras - Day 6 (Concrete Day)

It is never the most exciting day, but it is a day that is always in the schedule.   On this day tho there was hope, as there was forecast for rain all day, and we began that morning with a really long rain.   As we waiting for the rain to stop, we also all hoped it may keep going.   Eduardo told me later during this day, that he was at his house thinking the same thing.   It was probably on this day that I finally noticed that the Styrofoam cups actually leaked coffed thru them.   Sam told me about this phenomenon, and then I started realizing why there were little bits of coffee all over the table.  

So what conversation goes on while you wait for the rain to stop.   The CRF CFO was with us, Kevin Wasner, and he shared about going to middle school in Alabama, but high school in Japan.   John Clemons (who is like a snarky Cliff Clavin from Cheers) shared with some others about Lincoln being the worst president.   Peyton and Jason were having a deep discussion about which is better, crunchy or creamy peanut butter.   Then Jason and Kendal were sharing about how Big Bend state park in Texas is the best place to cross the border into Mexico.   I left the table, not being drawn into these big social issues, and went upstairs to rest.   And I picked a good time, because Donny came and got Peyton and Sam to load the concrete while I was away.   

So the concrete day did begin, and it is a good work to provide a concrete floor for a needy family.   While we would not consider it much, it is a stable and much more sanitary floor for the families here in Honduras.   Our team was somewhat all experienced, so we quickly got two Volcano mixing areas started, with a line for sand, then a bag of cement, then a line for the cement...and repeat over and over again.   I think we completed the floor in about 3 hours, mixing about 15 bags, which is relatively short for a workday, and I felt very blessed.   I saw both Sam and Davis in a few of the volcano mixing crews, and my turn came up for the last 2 piles.   But even with only two, my back was killing me.   And as always seems to happen, just as we completed, a dog ran across the wet cement.   Eduardo told me he wanted to sign his name.  

During breaks in the cement and sand lines, I would entertain some of the local kids with some magic tricks and with the poppers that were always a fun time.   It was also good to see that these kids were from Clementina, and many were still wearing their faith bracelets.   I got a picture of all the kids at the end, they all just sat on that bench and kept asking for "uno mas".   One of my tricks of the ring moving from one hand to another seemed to work really well with this group.   And I loved seeing them all waving from down the hill as we left.   

Back at the daycare, we had some ham and cheese sandwiches that were great.   Anything besides peanut butter and jelly again.   And I convinced a few to walk up the Picono hill in the middle of town.   I asked Davis, but this is where he started to feel really bad...and I knew he was getting there when he was lying on his back near his bed.  But we headed on through town, and made it up the big hill to the top of the "mountain".   It really is a huge climb.   I got a picture coming back down with Sam and Peyton, and decided to take no more pictures with Peyton as he makes everyone look small.   

At the bottom of the hill we continued to the town plaza in the center of the city.   We had some excellent Granitas, and sat in the park and drank them while we rested.   After a little shopping at the local shops, we headed back to the daycare.   I did find Ruby's shirt at one shop, forgot I had not brought my credit card, but did have enough Lempira to purchase it.   Back at the day care, I drank a little of Davis' fresca...and after a very tough work day, then a hike up to the top of the hill, my stomach finally decided to punish me for the 2 Granitas and I stayed in the bano for awhile.   Davis was also not feeling well, with signs of a fever and chills so bad that I quickly got him started on some Advil and Tylenol both.   I think he just got some heat exhaustion, the sun is amazingly hot there.   

This day ended with some more cards, I think SkyJo was the game of this night, altho there was always someone running the goat lords.   I did hear from Sam that Jeffrey asked him if he had a piece of gum, but Sam did not hear that, but something else.   This is Sam's story to tell, and captured so he might smile and laugh like when he first told me the story.   There was an old man conversation that I watched as Donny, John, and Kevin talked about old man stuff.   Then Donny looked at John, and said "What is going on with your hair" as it was kinda spiked up.   John said, I just want it to look like you guys.   Then Donny hit him with a "I do it on purpose, but you look like you just got scared".   John has the snarkiness, but I would choose Donny any day in a battle of words.   We all talked about needing to remember to bring Ice Trays next year.   And Sam was trying to expand his spanish and use muchisimos Gracias (much thanks), but instead used muchachas gracias (little girls thanks).   And Davis went to bed with a fever, but work up feeling a little better.   

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