Friday, June 16, 2023

Honduras - Day 7 (School - Coyol and Weddings)

I did wake Davis up at midnight to give him some extra strength tylenol, as he kept moaning in his sleep, and I kept thinking Magan is going to kill me if I let him get sick down here.   He told me the next morning that he was very delirious, but in his dreams, he was riding a motocycle around Campamento.  He was fine this whole day, but got sick again in the evening.  

We went to our final school on this morning, Coyol.   And by this time, our skit was like clockwork, and Sonja didn't even have to prompt us for our lines.   I tried something different at this school, using an old fortune teller paper fold game we used to use in grade school, and changing it to animals.   So the kids got to pick their favorite color, then a random number, and they got to see what animal they were.   So simple, but really fun, I also used it to teach them the animal's name in english.   It was here also that the kids helped me put the 17 bible periods in order and really liked the game.   We coordinated the faith bracelets much better at this school, as I asked peyton to share the meaning of the beads with one class, David to share with another, and then I got the teacher in my classroom to share the meanings.   And that teacher was great, she even tested them after she told them what each color was.   

Back at the day care, we waited around for a bit, then made our way over to the church building for the wedding ceremonys.   Our church had found out that many of the couples do not get married because of the taxes and expenses of a ceremony, instead they just have kids and live together.   CRF helped us work with the local mayor, and have a day where these taxes would be suspended.   And we took care of the decorations and food, and the church had an excellent ceremony for 10 couples.   It was interesting, but from speaking to Eduardo, these ceremonies in mass groups are the typical way it is done down there.   And when it was time, all of us cheered "Besos Besos Besos" for the kisses to happen.   

This was our last day, so after the wedding, we got to just visit with some of our friends one last time.   I ended up hanging out with Israel, and talked with him for about 20 minutes, which really was stretching my conversational spanish, but I learned he had one child that was 44 as his oldest, and his youngest was 16.   His daughter that lives in spain had flown back on Wednesday.   There is still a language barrier, but it was a little lower this year, and allowed me to hang out with Israel a little more.  We continued our running joke that next time, he would have to preach all in English, to which he replied...I will, when you translate it all in Spanish for everyone.   I also hung out with Gabriel and two of his buddies, and they tried to teach me some spanish, and I tried to teach them some english, but I think mostly it just frustrated them.   Davis was stuck inside with the pictures, and that was horrible as I saw the adults were just as bad as the kids about lines.   Food was brought for everyone to have a plate, but people just started grabbing some for cousins and other family...and then there was none for us.   

So at about 8PM, we decided to take a group of 27 people to a local restaurant that was not prepared for a group of more than 10.   It was a long long time waiting, and Davis was slowly getting his fever back, which made me more nervous.   And there was not a waiter, so we each wrote our order down, so the guy did not get any orders started cooking until he got all 27 orders.   And around 10PM our food arrived, and it was pretty good, but Davis was already out, and over in a chair sleeping.   Then the guy at the restaurant had to write up the bill, and I don't think he had ever had a number that big.   But it really wasn't that bad, 27 people for a sit down meal was only about 185 dollars.  We rode back to the day care, all tired, knowing that we had to be up at 6AM.   Davis took some medicine, and did not even change out of his pants and shirt, which is very strange for Davis.  I made sure he had some ice packs on his head, and made sure he took medicine thru this night....needless to say, i did not get much sleep...but hey, we were just a bus ride, then two plane rides away from Birmingham.   What could go wrong?   

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