Wednesday, June 14, 2023

On the Beach

While me and the boys were in Honduras, the girls were able to join Elizabeth and Sarah Beth on a trip to the beach.   While I did not have service in Honduras, Jonathan did, and shared with me some of the fun our girls were having while we were out of country.   And I do not have any first person stories, but I did get a series of texts from Ruby and Anabelle...maybe one from Magan.   So here are the memories.   If you need the details, hopefully Ruby or Belle or Magan can provide.   

Ruby asked "Does time go faster here or something" She keeps being surprised how late it is at the beach.   On thie first day, Magan told me that they all went out to the beach "Just to get feet wet", but then all ended up getting completely wet when first Belle "fell" into the ocean.   

And some really random notes...Baby with the strap going up its butt at the pool...The girls found the tiniest baby crab...They saw a bird catch a fish and fly away with it in its claws...Ruby found a whole Sand Dollar family, and kept them in a bucket together...All the girls were scared about the Golden man in the dark, but it turned out to just be a statue...Florida Publix is NOT Buy One Get One...Ruby got a headband stuck in her hair hanging in back...Seaweed was referred to by the girls as snot algea..."Does the door open" was the running joke at one place (I think captured in pictures below), and they did try the door, and it was not open...And Elizabeth ran over Ruby's foot, luckily she was wearing her crocs and slipped out of them quick enough...They were all 3 minutes late for coffee because of a quick trip to the bathroom, a bathroom that had NO toilet paper!...Crazy lip estate...Sarah Beth's yellow float was referred to as Frenchy the french fry...They had tent problems, but finally got it to open right.  

I can't tell too much in the pictures below, but after the first day in the sun, all were completely burnt...maybe not Belle, because she and Davis are partially hispanic.  But Ruby was apple red, and Sarah Beth was just burnt.  She would later tell people that her leg has a fever.  But even red, they were able to get some pictures, although picture day was very windy.  I was told the waiter looked like Elvis or just a beautiful mannequin.   Belle came back with a fancy covered book, and rode a bike for the first time in years, apparently that is not something you can forget.    

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