Saturday, June 24, 2023

Oak Mountain Prep Hike to the Airplane Crash

 Another 6.5 mile prep hike, but I think Sam was working on this day, so just me and Davis.   Our goal was to check out two of the backcountry camping spots, and also to make it to where the plane crashed into the mountain in 1951.   We found all of these spots on this day.   No snakes but also no knee pain.  We started at the BMX area, and made a good loop with only a small portion that was the same as the previous King's Chair hike.   Davis and I really liked the backcountry spot #3, and looking forward to one day camping there for a night.   On the way back down the mountain, we took one trail that was a double black diamond bike trail...which means if me or Sam or Davis rode this trail, we would not survive.   Seriously that trail delayed our hike by about 30 minutes, because it was that difficult to walk down...I can't imagine the drops people are expected to take on a bike.  

And we found the area of the plane crash of 1951.   Something we had seen on the map for a long time, just never hit the blue trail in that area.   Well, they keep a piece of metal chained to a tree here...I don't know if it was from the wreckage or not, but we saw it.  I can't remember anything else from this day, but it is always fun to be out with Davis...even if he has to stop periodically to wait up for old man dad.   

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