Friday, June 2, 2023

Six Flags with the Junkins

What a fun day of adventure with the larger Junkin Bunch thanks to Granny for making it happen.  Our families first collided this day at the third exit in Georgia for a good bathroom break and car swap to make sure everyone got free parking.   Did I mention that one reason for this stop was to ensure we got a good bathroom visit some 30 minutes from the front gate of the park?   But then there was a bathroom prior to getting in the front gate, so one person stopped, then others...then there was Ben.   And maybe it was just a long chapter in the Harry Potter book, but it took him a long long time to get out of that bathroom.   And finally, our crew was in the park, and had finished the token initial group photo.  

We split up into the younger kids riding the smaller kid rides, while the others headed toward the thrill rides.  The thrill seekers hit the Georgia Cyclone a couple of times before heading towards Dare Devil.   Ruby was hanging out with us for this first section, and she loved those first two rides, but when the group headed towards Goliath, she was out.   But it worked well, as Magan was able to come over and join the thrill seekers for one big ride, while Ruby and I went over to the ride she described to me as "the one I have been dreaming about".   I smiled as we rounded the corner and she pointed it out.   It was the smaller version of one that takes you up in the air and drops you.   Haha, I remember those days as a kid when a ride was so amazing and magical, that it stayed with you in your sleep.   After that ride, we rode my favorite kiddie ride...Wonder Woman, and it was excellent as always.   

Ruby was done with the thrill seeker crowd, so I traded places once again with Magan taking Ruby, and me heading towards Batman to catch up to the thrills.   The group was a little ahead of me, but I thought I could catch them in the line, so I went on in, and made it directly to the front with no line and decided to just ride by myself.   I placed our 2023 season pass cup in the holders, glad that Magan had marked ours with some hair bands to make it obvious it was not someone elses.   Then after an excellent ride, and got off and found that someone had taken my cup.   AGAIN!   This had happened last time we were here, and it was the exact same ride...Batman.   What is going on?   I left the ride, planning to find the group, then let them know I was on my way to guest services to see if they would replace my cup again.   Finding the group, I told Sam, "you are not going to believe this, but someone stole our cup AGAIN"...then he said "I think Davis may have gotten it".   It turns out, they were on the ride directly in front of me, and when Davis saw the obvious Junkin cup, he just assumed someone else in the group had brought it, and grabbed it and went out with it.   

I think we had completed almost every thrill ride before 1:30PM (Sam wanted me to also capture that the thrill seekers had also found every single bathroom in the park by 1:30PM as well), then decided to grab lunch.   That was a challenge in itself, as we tested the mobile order system, which was fairly efficient, we just ended up not timing it very well and arriving at the restuarant a little early, so it was slightly miserable being very hungry and hot, but when the food arrived, I must say, it was a pretty amazing cheeseburger.   I have a note that says the flaming hot turd chicken for this trip was replaced by faming hot cheetos.   There is probably a story there.   I think at the lunch table is where Granny also shared something about her leg dye repelling bugs.   

After lunch, the day melted into a string of random memories and notes from my phone...Katie gets major props for staying all day with the thrill seekers.   I can only handle so much.   But we also heard about her blacking out on Goliath, then cheering when she regained consciousness like nothing ever happened.  Luke had some fun names for the Georgia Cyclone, as it was hard to was referred to as the Twisted Cone and the Twister Cologne.  

The Scorcher caused some issues on this days, as I heard that Luke said it was actually scorching his balls.   And that ride is difficult for shorter people if you don't get situated well before it gets going, heard the seat for both Wyatt and Luke was going up their butt.   Colby gave the scorcher a rating of 2 out of 10, then forced Sam to join him (Sam hates this ride, but I guess loves his uncle enough to be his friend on this ride.  

After being measured and told she was too short, Ivy learned that she DID NOT "wike dat mean stick".   Magan said she would hide behind Granny getting on rides trying to hide from those evil measuring sticks.   And there was one group at the Monster Plantation that tested all capabilities of that riding system.  A total of 9 people in that one boat tested both the balance and buoyancy of that water craft.   Ruby would scream as I would tilt the boat from side to side, and seriously ruby was looking at the side of the boat that was much closer to the water line that it probably should have been.   And I am sure Mark loved the water splashing in his face from the stream...that I had to touch.  

We ended a great day getting wet through 3, maybe 4, rides of Thunder River.   The videos are great, but these pictures capture many of the fun smiles watching water crash over into the boat.   It is always fun to see who gets hit with the wave.   Wyatt wanted to get wet, and kept trying to sit by people he thought would get wet.   And he stayed completely dry until the last ride, then got completely wet when the wave crashed over him and luke.   

And the random last notes include a very disappointed Magan and Belle...They suffered a great loss of the ice cream on top of the funnel cake.   There is also a note here about Sam letting Katie take the blame for his gas leakage in the stairway, I guess you can ask them about that.   And there you go...another fun day in the blog books.   I am sure there were many other fun stories that happened on this day.   Thanks again Granny for a super special day.   Glad I was able to make it this year.    


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