Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Orientation at the University of Alabama

From Magan's Facebook Post (sans EMOJIs):  "Took this guy to Bama Bound this week and we BOTH stayed in the dorms for one night.

I was fine with that until I realized I didn’t get to stay in a room with Sam. But it ended up being really fun and all 3 ladies who shared a suite with me were fun to talk too and we shared all of our stories and information.  It was a great experience over all and I am so glad I did it!   I was also extremely impressed with the staff, they went above and beyond to help with my questions and even walked with me through 3 buildings to get me to where I needed to go.  Everyone smiled and greeted us as we passed too.

Sam is excited for the upcoming year and I still can’t believe how beautiful that campus is. Even the parking decks are beautiful. We randomly ran into old friends and found out Sam and Ethan are in the same major, Electrical Engineering!!!  Please continue to pray for all of these kids as they step out on their own this fall."

So I did not get to join Sam on this weekend, but heard he had a great time.   He has a 15 hour schedule for the Fall, living in Presidential I dorm in a 4 person suite with his own room.  Orientation gave him a little feel of random living mates, two of which stayed in their rooms the whole night, and the other one just briefly told him his name and that he would have a girl with him.  Sam woke up the next morning and as he was about to leave, he said that one guy's alarm clock rang, and that guy screamed some obscenity and then started to get ready.   We are hoping for some fairly down to Earth guys in the room with him in the Fall.   

Magan told me about one of the Mom's (we think her name was Karen) who asked if her son could get a new counselor, because he did not get all the attention he needed.   Alabama does have a touch of a different feel, and with over 60% coming from out of state, may be some of these kids that never had a good whooping.   Oh well, Magan found some other friends that used to be neighbors, and hung out with them, and rolled eyes with them over some of the other "Helicopter moms".   She was frustrated with Sam, as he never answers his phone, but on the second day, they were able to finally get back together and tour the campus.  It really is a beautiful campus, we are hoping Sam loves it.   

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