Sunday, June 30, 2024

Too much June...

Let's begin with a fun Father's Day.   Magan knew immediately when she asked about lunch that we were going to Bojangles.   Like Captain Ds for Magan, Fathers Day at Bojangles is a tradition...and so it goes.   Random Marcus picture I thought was cute to include with the Father's day post.   

Not much here in the fireworks picture, I am sure there will be more stories and pictures next month.   As for June, Ruby and I had to visit 3 fireworks stores to find the Air Calvary.  That little girl will get you excited about alot of things.   

Magan went up to Cullman to go swimming at the Sartins, then to watch Stella perform in a production of The Aristocats.   VBS at Helena one week during June, it included fun with old friends, and at least for me, some great leftovers from Mexican restaurants in the area.   Small Group church meeting at the Vinsants this month.   Brenden came over and visited with Sam and the family one weekend, they went bowling, disc golfing, and lots of other stuff.   Haha, but this was also the weekend that our washing machine broke.   And the following week was the one where we found out our bathroom shower was leaking.   It was an exciting and expensive month.   Ruby was selected to help out the teacher during art camp this summer.   She was there every day for a week to help the kids with the activities for the day.   

A fun but grueling disc golf day, where the kids met me after work on a Tuesday.   The heat was just almost unbearable.   I completely stopped keeping score, it was so bad.   I was trying out some new Wraiths I bought, but also had completely forgotten how to even throw a disc.   Ruby really does continue to get better and throw a little further each time.   Her and Davis got a picture at the butt tree.   Ruby got a legit 4 on two holes.   And we all stumbled through the last 9, really just ready for it all to end...need cold air!   The last hole was of course faked in the picture, but we were definitely feeling like the picture.   Me and the boys delirious threw the Tatanka throws, while Ruby just ran down the hill away from us.   But with an amazing throw on the final hole, Davis beat Sam (I wasn't even close) and grabbed the champion reigns for the first time at Inverness.   

Lisa had a book signing at SoCal in Chelsea.   Her new book of poetry is "The Evolution of a Teen Girl", which is just "so my life".   :)   It was a great time celebrating a big accomplishment.   Belle made me try her "guava juice" smoothie there, and it was amazing.   Magan made me try her bowl of fruit stuff and it was...interesting...maybe good.   I don't know, SoCal is probably not my hang out place.   But listening to some live music from Timmy's nephew, getting to hear some poetry read by the author that we know...was pretty cool!   My favorite line from the book is within a poem titled "Backyard Poem" and goes "Don't close your eyes, watch as the sky begins to pull down its nightshade.   The moon has prepared all day for this exact moment.   And it is now his cue to make an appearance".  That one was my favorite along with "Letters to the Sun" which has an ending that just sits with you for a while with a simple decision to make each day...or perhaps not to make...

After a full week of FC Alabama camp where Ruby was looking each day to when we would make it to Chuck e cheese, that day finally came actually after the kids all made it back home.   But we found an opportunity to go, and snagged the moment.   Like so many days I have described in these blogs, this one was a treasure.   I love my Ruby Daddy Days, and this one was really fun.   Ruby has her favorite skeeball, where she amazingly hits the 4K and 5K often, when I can only hit is about every 3 games.   We did get hooked again on the casino like spongebob quarter game, where Ruby helped feed my addiction and we played here for about 15 minutes, and then we knew we could get one of the special cards if we kept playing just a bit...and finally it happened, a souvenir card fell into the slot, and it never came out to the winners slot.   Ruby and I were both disappointed, but quickly just went on, it gave us a break in the addictive game, and allowed us to leave.   Then we found another addictive game (Another Spongebob game) where you had to time the drop of a ball for it to roll into a moving train, with of course the spongebob train winning the full 10 tickets.   I wish I had the video when Ruby hit the jackpot spongebob car, but then she did it another 2 times.   I got 8 tickets twice, but never could hit the spongebob.   haha, we tried from both sides of the machine, her on one side, me on the other, passing our gamecard back and forth.   For the prizes, she got two more of the mystery stuffed chuck e cheese toys and got one new one, but one duplicate.   And they did not have the sketch machine we typically use, or it was broken on this day, so we had to use the silly picture to capture our adventure.   

And the last picture below is from Lisa's notebook, with an entry from about 6 years ago.   Always fun to read things like this later.   The question is "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Sam:  An aerospace engineer working for NASA or Space X.   Davis:  Go to the International Space Station.   Have two puppies and a kitten.   I hope I can keep my turtles.  Whatever I get to do, I want it to be fun.   Belle:  Only wear sandals and heels.   Have a puppy like Grace (Lisa's puppy at the time).   Be an art teacher. Librarian.   Pick Flowers and Decorate Houses.   Ruby:  Want to be a mom.