Monday, June 3, 2024

Disney 2024 - Day 2 (Magic Kingdom)

Well, I was wrong.   Magan did wake up for this day, and it was easily the best day of the whole trip.   There was a lot of magic going on in this day, I can say that just by the sheer total of pictures I had to look through for this blog.   A typical non-vacation month may have 1500 to 1700 pictures, but on this one day, Magan took 531 pictures.   I asked the girls about this day, and Belle said "I know, we had to take pictures everywhere".   But that can happen, we want to capture the magic everywhere, so even me trying to pull into this blog, I started with 120 pictures, and had to work hard to get down to 90 something pictures.   This was my favorite day also as looking thru this day made me smile the whole time.   

I think the park opened at 8AM, and they were they before.   Their chauffeur was always up early with them to get them where they were wanting to go.   Magan was excited to have the Genie+ options as well, getting to bypass many of the lines on this day.   There was a day when entry into the park kept you on a level playing field, but now the right-wing capitalistic elitists enter this left-leaning mecca with their heads held high letting it rain in the lightning lanes.   But business is business, and Disney is king of the business of magic, so I will end my tirade with a nod of the head to the profits, because the smiles below are priceless, and they know it.   

A few random memories of this day that were shared...Everyone's favorite new ride was Tron.   Uncle Colby and his crew rode every ride, even with a pee soaked Andrew on the Dwarves Mine Train.   Laney would yell "minnie" at any and every character she saw.   Ivy would blow her nose into nothing at all, just wait for it to be cleaned up.  

But the real story for me on this day was our fairy Granny that spoiled these girls at the Bibbidi Bobbodi Boutique.   This was something that I was not planning to spend for Ruby, as I did not know if she really would want to do it, but there was nothing on this trip that topped this day and this moment.  She had worn an old dress of Belles that fit her, and was excited to be a princess with all the other girls, but when Fairy Granny asked her if she was going to pick out one of the princess dresses, her eyes went wide as she asked "Really, Can I pick out one?"   These are the priceless Disney moments that Granny told me "I will never forget", and that I must continue writing quickly as I fill tears hitting the brim of my eyes.   So my sweet little Ruby, with some fairy dust from the magic mirror, and from her Amazing Granny, became Rapunzel.   Magan said Ruby had the sweetest lady that did her makeup and hair, and you could not have pulled down this smile on Ruby for the rest of the day.   I also heard that Ivy did NOT LIKE that makeup.   

Someone asked Ruby later if she wanted to take off that dress, and she said NO, my dad told me if I do the bibbidi bobbodi I have to stay that way all day.   Haha, I don't think that is what I really said or meant, but I do like seeing her on all the other pictures in full princess gear.   They continued to ride just about everything with those Genie+ passes, and had a great day.   Pushing it to ride one more ride before the fireworks, they watched Philharmagic and ended at 10 minutes before the show.   They made their way through many road blocks and finally thru a store ending up on main street.   But they came back up and found an awesome cast member that had just opened up one of the last remaining areas in the middle, so they were directly in front of the castle for the fireworks show.   We get a picture of tinkerbell every time this happens, but it is always a horrible picture, so I just left it out...just know that tinkerbell was seen.   

Did those girls leave after firewoks, Nope.   The park was still open, so they ran over to the Rapunzel area for a few more pictures...531 was not enough...and stayed until the park was closed.   8AM to 11PM I think was a pretty full day.   Their chauffeur was still up to get them from the boat ramp to the camper.   Then Magan said she was talking to Belle, and Belle fell asleep mid sentence back in the camper.   It was a long long day.   But from what I saw in these pics, and the smiles in the stories I was told, it was the best day.   And easily the most magical.   But there was plenty of magic left for the rest of the week...

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