Friday, June 7, 2024

Disney 2024 - Day 6 (The Long Drive Home)

And then it was over.   Magan woke up early to pick up Katie, but Katie was not ready, so they waited, then forgot the Wookie Cookie that Magan got for my souvenir.   So back to the campground, a few final goodbyes, then began the long long drive home.   We met them for supper at Arby's in Chelsea, and the long trip ended.   A few final memories included Ruby telling me that everyone wanted to ride the rides with her...Ivy, Laney, Ellie.   And Katie told me that Magan's favorite thing was the fastpass.   I have already had my rant on that tho.   

I will admit that I was not a big fan of this gathering as it was put together, but that is just me.   Vacations like this are mentally stressful to me, which is all my own issues, but Oh well.   It was a great time.   I am glad we had this trip together as a family.   I think this was perfect for the girls to stay and hang out in Disney.   And while the budget was not there, that's what they make credit cards for...helping us stay in debt to enjoy the magic of Orlando.   

Thank you Granny and Granddaddy for adding magic to our vacation.   Thank you John and Katie for the Genie + coordination.   Thank you Magan for the Wookie Cookie.   

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