Sunday, June 2, 2024

Disney 2024 - Day 1 (A Day of Rest)

There was no talk about any issues with Granddad snoring on this first night in the camper, but instead I heard about Mom snoring, and Belle throwing a pillow at her to make her be quiet.  It looks like all crowded into our van in perhaps an unlawful manner to make it to church at South Bumby, I will not ask any other questions.   I did not get many other stories of this day besides the fact that Colby's crew came over to the campground, and all had spaghetti for dinner.   Grandad looks like he had a great time chauffeuring people around.   And I really don't know if this photopass pictures came from this day or the previous.   The plan for the morning was a big one, to be at the Magic Kingdom for the opening.  My thoughts on this evening...Magan will never make it.    


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