Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Big Kaboom!

Another fun "Big Kaboom" in Chelsea complete.   This year we had a little rain earlier in the day, but no storms like last year.   I arrived early at 4:30 to help man our church booth.  We got to talk to alot of people about our upcoming Wednesday night series about the names of God, and I got to chat with some kids and show them some magic tricks as they picked out little trinkets.   Magan and the kids came out around 7ish to join us, and walk around and see friends.   It was very crowded this year, I think the whole city was there.   We saw Brandon and Cole there, home for the summer.   Sam was spending the weekend in Tuscaloosa, so he missed out on seeing them.   

Ruby walked around with Claire mostly, which worked out for Mom, cause her and Amanda are BFFs also.   My new friend at church, Dave Holley, joined us late, so I got to hang out with him for a bit.  ChickFilA sandwiches, Frio popsickles, lots and lots of water...and capped it off with some fireworks.   There was no attempt this year to find a spot in front of the stage, as it was packed completely, so when the church booth was taken down, we had a perfect spot with the perfect friends to watch the show.   Happy 4th of July on the Saturday prior to the 4th of July!   

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