Saturday, June 15, 2024

FC Camp - The Best Week Ever...since last year

The first picture below shows the full Chelsea group that attended FC camp this year.   We had 10 kids, and 5 leaders at camp all week.   Well almost all week, Cash got sick on the last night.   Ans surprisingly Baker did not get sick even tho his dad had messed up and put double store money in his account, and Baker was trying his best to use it all on candy.   Andrew Rawls was baptized on the last night there, I think sometime after midnight.   No crickets were found in any food this year.   Davis crocheted some stuff, altho I don't remember seeing any of this stuff.   And Anabelle attended a photography class without having a camera (Yep, this is my fault in signing up for stuff).  

Davis and Belle said it was pretty common for many adults to tell them to stop for a picture so it could be sent to Magan.   And while there has been one Uncle that is a staple at this camp, another Uncle was attending for the first time and became the go to guy for selfies.   That new guy even got a special note from Anabelle.   So while there are not favorites in the family, one Uncle definitely got more starts on this trip.   I am not going to name names, but he is a nurse, and married to Aunt Katie.    

I loved seeing Belle as the Sun Moon and Stars with her friends.   Always like seeing pictures of our good friend A-A-Ron.   Love seeing Davis (as Lisa says) "always living his best life".   And many many smiles and memories.   It may be Ruby's first year next year...we will see.   

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