Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July down, you might miss something...

It is hard to imagine that all these other fun times were held during this summer month.   A week in New Orleans, A week in Honduras, but I guess there were a couple more weeks to cram things into.   So let's begin with the random stories that happened this month.   

Ru forgot her deodorant when she went to the doctor to check her arm out with Magan.  Then when they realized her bra was inside out and she may have to take off her shirt, she panicked and took bra off over her feet ...she and magan could not stop laughing.

One morning as I was stressing out about the balance on our credit card, I told Magan we have got to slow down on the spending.   Then as she and Ruby drove out to Walmart, I brought her over to my desk and told her to spank her momma's hand if she spends any money at Walmart.   Later that day, Magan said she wanted to eat lunch at Longhorn.   Ruby smiled and said "Yeah, we should go there".   "Didn't your dad say to spank my hand if we spent any money?" Magan asked.   Ruby gave her little grin and said "He only said at Walmart, he did not say anything about Longhorn".   

One night while in Honduras, Magan told me about a "Steel Magnolia" night, where the girls got out the fancy China to have dinner with Janie and Jane from church.   Ruby made cards for all the food, and they fancied the whole kitchen up for the meal.   Magan told me later while watching the movie, she forgot about a Locker room scene with men's bottoms showing.   She said she definitely never wanted to look at men's naked bottoms with jane and janie beside me on couch (notice the caveat).   After Jane and Janie left, Magan repeated this embarrassment to Bell and Ruby, and Ruby then told her "Yeah, they didn't even close their eyes mom".   Magan said she died laughing.  

Ivey woke up Saturday asking if Magan was bringing her her cupcake. I had told her on Thursday would bring her and she did not forget. She even told Granny that she was going to get her cupcake from me today! When she got the cupcake, all she did was lick off and nipple, one tiny butt out of the top of the cake

Tuesday, we were going to the girls skin appointment.   Anabelle told Ruby .  She better eat something because we weren’t going anywhere not even McDonald’s. On the way home went to McDonald’s because Anabelle had a procedure on her nose that hurt so I stopped and got her ice cream

And what else is going on in these pics below...Lemonade stands are the best, especially when you get to take your friends to Jeremiahs (your treat) afterwards...Air calvary were found and still fun to shoot on July 4th.  The first one went onto the roof, but was down to gutter level the next day...Garage cleanup found some old postcards that were MaMyrts, some pennies to count, some precious moments dolls, old pictures, and dress up clothes, but ended with a cleaner pantry area and gift closet...the work on the shower continued all month, but I did get a lot of practice with my spanish with the workers...swimming at the sartins...a figment present for granddaddy (don't worry granddad, I removed the pictures that showed too much emotion, but Ruby still talks about how she had never seen grandad cry till he got a figment...and never seen her dad cry till he watched the final episode of Quantum Leap)...Pickleball outings...a bunch of old stuff from the ATL olympics that Magan told me to put in the blogs (but gave me nothing to go with it, so there you go)...Cohen was baptized...Lessons from Mayberry...Mr. T visits the house...Magan wins at trivial pursuit (I feel bad for whoever else was in this game)...and a random assortment of pictures trying to hold on to every memory of Sam we could capture.