Saturday, July 6, 2024

Slip and Slide Day is Here Again!

 John and Shay did an amazing job again with the Slip and Slide day!   The weather was perfect, the new pool at the end of the runway worked effectively, and the pizza was in abundance.   I did not get the story with Katie's shirt, but apparently she found a collection of Mark face shirts, had to be on clearance.   

I swapped my normal routing and hit the slides early rather than wait for later.   Which worked well as I was very sleepy after the pizza.   But then after the sliding, I became very sleepy.   So Magan and the girls laughed saying this day for me was the Sleep and Slide day.   I think I did get maybe 2 naps while at Johns, and I think I had a short nap at the house before we left.   

The annual games were back today, and the trophy was passed from Sam to Davis.   Anabelle stayed in the competition for a long time this year.   Some might call her shots to win many points luck, but if you looked at the yard and the random assortments of targets, it would be a stretch not to call any points luck.   

OK, I found Magan's random awards in the messenger post...Laney won the "Most Improved Slider".   Andrew won the "Most Frequent Slider".   Ivy the "Most Panty Picked Slider".  Luke and Wyatt the "Most dangerous tornado style sliders".  Belle the "Best slide with the little ones".   Ellie the "Don't give up till you make it to the end slider".   Ruby the "most accident prone slider".   Bella the "Sassiest trip back up slider", oh and there it is Scott gets the "Slip and Sleep Slider"...I think my wording was better.  And while I am here, Magan also says "John and Shay, thank you for all the smiles, laughs, and the best videos each year, love y'all"

And back to Magan so I don't have to write "Slip and Slide Day is fun for all ages and I love seeing everyone have fun together.   Sam was reigning champion and Davis claimed his trophy this year".   Feels like there were some other funny stories, but too many other days between this one and the time of writing.  Happy 4th of July!   God Bless America!

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