Monday, July 22, 2024

Honduras Day 3 - Chachaquata

And our first day in the schools was the long drive to Chachaquata in the mountains.   It was also a good place to get a picture of the group.   As shown in the pictures below, I also added a note that I needed to take more pictures at the schools, as on this day, I only captured one.   The days begin tho on this Monday in the Day Care with those smiling little faces.   Bobby Moore with CRF is great with the kids, and I captured him acting like a bird/dinosaur, that had all the kids laughing.  I got a picture with one of my facebook friends, Yeni Duarte.   She is one of the daycare teachers, and we chat here and there on messenger.   She helps me alot with my Spanish, and also a big Stitch fan, so I got her a little stitch keychain that had some sayings about she is always posting about family events.   And prior to leaving for our trip to the schools, there is a line to make PB&J for lunch during the day.   Breakfast was amazing as usual.  

The truck rides into the mountains are always an adventure.   I intentionally show up to the trucks late, and often it results in the only seats being inside the truck...Oh well, I guess I will take that.   We did not get rained on during our trip to the school this day, but did get a little sprinkle as we took the group shots with the mountains behind us.   I remember this place vividly from my first trip in 2019.   It was just an amazing view.   

Our first day in the schools went pretty well with the skit.   Sonja also added a race game to the skit that had the kids slowly walking away from home, then running fast back to the father.   It was a fun idea, and the kids loved it.   We prepared for the activity, which was a paper wheel that told the story of the Prodigal Son, while Sonja did the game.  I did get some of the bible match card games going later on this day, but my area for this game was near the goal of the soccer game, so we had some scary moments and near misses.   My notes from this day at the school was "Played animal game and match game.   Passed out many toys.   Did not connect well." But it was something to work on for the rest of the week, and it got much better.   

After the school, we drove to a nearby family that made fresh plantain chips for us.   It was really cool to watch the process, and we all ended up with the best tasting chips ever.   I love the seasoning they put on these plantain chips.   Maximo and Sam both prayed over this family while we visited with them.   Also near this home, Davis and a few others went with Bobby down a stream to see a waterfall with the locals.   Apparently there had not been enough rain to cause a large waterfall, but it fell in bunches while they were on this trip.   So while Sam and I stayed dry watching plantains cook, Davis and Bobby and a few others came back drenched from all the rain.  

With all of this rain, Dana mentioned that we may not go on the planned 2 mile hike, which was ok by me, but then after finishing our chips, they drove us to the "trailhead" and loaded us up with food packets for two families.   As we loaded the food, the rain started back, and I was trying my best to keep my backpack dry with my poncho over it.   And quickly realized that the best shoes I had brought on this trip were about to get wet, and realized later, also very muddy.   It was easily the lowest point on this full trip heading down the trail...because about 1/4 mile into this trip, the bottom dropped out, and we were in some Forrest Gump jungle rain.   I grabbed a video of it, and I think you can hear it in my voice, especially when I said, "This is completely horrible".   

But we made it to the first home and visited with a lady named Maria.   Her little girl was also Maria, both with second names that probably went by more, but I only heard Maria.   And under her small covered area at her home, she did not have much at all, but we had shelter that we were all thankful for.   I shared a prayer in Spanish for her home, and while I am sure it was miserable spanish, I think she knew we cared for her family.   She was thankful for her food, and I loved the cute little girls smile when she got the few toys I had to share (mad at myself for not packing the punch balloons and beach balls).   

Before we made it to the second home, we hit a very slippery downhill patch of mud.   And then I saw Savannah go down hard.   And then Brandon down.  And then Brandon down again.   I hit one spot, planted both feet, and just surfed for about 6 feet.   And strangely enough, Davis, the boy that falls all the time, never fell once.   

The next home was one we visited before in 2019.   I was able to meet with the owner (Cecilio Mesa) and told him of our visit before.   We shared some laughs, and he shared some excitement for his 3 kids and a baby on the way.   Brandon led the prayer for this family and Dana translated for them.   In 2019, we had a beautiful sunny day on this hike, and we carried mattresses on our shoulders, delivering one to the home of Cecilio.   Like the home of Maria, we were just thankful for a little shelter.   But before we left, Cecilio went into his back yard and sent us away with 3 pineapple.   While we brought food to him, this time with his family and these small gifts to us, I felt blessed to have had a little time with this family.   

Back at the day care, there was a line for the showers as all were wet and some very muddy.   Shoes went out to the sunny area on the porch area.   Sam, Davis and Cash went off to get their hair cut, but with only one barber on this day, they ended up just going into town to the fair.   I sat and rested.   Supper included a strange squash thing with carrots and cheese.   I grabbed a picture with Oscar and Jeffry, our translators.   Later that night, the games began.   I think this night included NERTS and Goat Lords.   I don't remember either, as I hit the sack early.   


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