Wednesday, July 17, 2024

New Orleans Day 4 - Plantations Tour

Another day, another lack of notes, but again due to some amazing Marcia planning, the fam got to take a tour of some of the local plantation homes just outside of New Orleans.   They all loaded into the Sartin wagon and visited two plantation homes.   At one of these homes, they all started a self directed audio tour, and there were some laughs when Marcia wanted them to be on the same pace and tour.   I think some wanted a little more of their self to do the directing.  :)   They all ate well on these days, and I think Magan had to pull out the special credit card to handle some of these tours, but I was glad they got to go.   Again, not on any of my lists.    

Looks like Sam found the Helen Keller water pump.   And I got one of the pictures of Ruby singing and being dramatic around this tree.   There is a video of this craziness, but I don't know what she was doing.   Maybe she can remember if you ask her.  And the treat everyone was excited to tell me about was SnoLa, which must have been amazing.  I think it was shaved ice with bits of cheesecake.   So Magan was happy, and by now the eye was also doing a little better.   

I missed most of these days at the conference, but I would get to see James and a few of the kids down at breakfast before I left.   The lobby was really nice, and had some interesting mural scenes of activities within the windows of the high rise buildings.   I finished my one and only presentation on that day, so I did get into one picture below.   One of the guys is another Rene, but of all the other Renes I meet outside the family, they are all hispanic guys.   

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