Sunday, July 21, 2024

Honduras Day 2 - A Day of Worship

Sleep was pretty good since I was so tired, but it does take a while to get readjusted to the extreme motorbike races that occur directly outside the window.   Then the pigeons, then the dogs, the swinging door to the bathroom squeaking with each person taking the middle of the night pee run.   And this was perhaps the hottest night of the whole trip before rain would cool us down in the nights.   Then some crazy alarm I would not find until the next night that was Andrew Rawls phone playing this soft series of bells ringing not loud enough to be loud, but just barely noticeable to be annoying.  And when I found it the next morning it was right next to his head.   

We woke to the usual amazing breakfast of eggs and bacon and coffee at the day care.   I was able to visit shortly with my new facebook friend Blanca that works in the kitchen and checks on me periodically through the year.   Then while time for church, we just waited till the trucks were ready to take us there, and sure enough, it had not started yet.   All of the start times in Campamento are just suggested times.   

It was wonderful connecting again with Maximo this morning, and others that I am slowly learning their names.   Hermano Jose led a great song service, but had a questionable tshirt he was wearing.   I will not capture it here, but will leave it at this, so that perhaps I will remember later to share with a smaller audience.   They asked if we would lead some songs, and I was glad we had prepared a couple in English and in Spanish.   I led "Jesus, Name above all Names" then "I surrender All" in both english then spanish.   I did feel more confident in using my spanish, but also more aware when it was coming out how bad it probably sounded.   

After services, we went back to the daycare and I took a nap.   That evening at 4PM, we went to the service in the city where we were able to meet up with Eduardo.   As I walked up the street from the day care to the church building, I saw Hermana Carmen there, and her little girl Briggeth.   We have just begun sponsoring Briggeth with the church, as we do 2 of her other children.   And last year I realized that none of the church sponsored children were getting any letters from anyone, so I had started writing them and sending pictures.   And it was about the sweetest thing when she saw me...she ran halfway down a block and jumped into my arms.   She is the youngest in her family and definitely a bit of a princess, but so super sweet.   Loved that little hug and carrying her to church to speak with Carmen for a while before church began.   

At church here, we did much of the same, participating by leading a couple of songs, and this time, I turned it over to Brandon, who also lead "I'll Fly Away" in spanish.   My spanish is ok, but not near to the level to understand a full Maximo sermon, so I took some pictures, and snuck out the back and around to the kid's class where they were using some of the material we brought to build the faith bracelets.   They also learned a bible verse to share with the congregation later after class.   I had fun also making a bracelet, and asking Hermans Daisy what each of the colors meant, then the kids helped me understand.   They also liked hearing me try to memorize the verse in spanish.  Later they shared a picture of our Elder Dave Long that has always been on these Honduras visits, and this is the first one he has missed.   He has colon cancer and going thru treatments.   As I write this, he is having some very difficult days.   I don't think I know of anyone that fit the role of a shepherd more than him, and Maximo and Eduardo know him well.   They told us they pray for him weekly sharing his picture on the screen as they do.    

After worship, we went back to the day care for steak tacos for dinner.   Sam and Davis went with the interns to the fair that was in the city this week.   Oh yeah, another thing about sleep each night...during each morning of the fair, it is tradition to shoot fireworks off at 5:30AM.   So there was that.   But anyway, Sam and Davis seemed very happy to hang out with the interns this trip.   I will mention that 5 of those interns were very pretty teenage girls.   And the last was Nate that seemed to bond quickly with Davis, both being goofballs.   

It is great to be here on Sundays.   A day to rest up before getting started for the week, but a chance to connect better with the church.   Learning with Daisy about a family needing some help, catching up with Rigo and his family after him being a part of the wedding ceremonies last year.   Hermano Jose was leading songs, when we first started working with the church, he never even came to church.   Hearing Eduardo speak to me in English, as he is now learning during the week.   Missing my good friend Israel, that was sick, but I was told I may be able to see him later in the week.  Big hugs with brothers Marvin and Juan Melgar.   Sharing some gifts with Maximo and Eduardo and their families.   It is very much like a holiday with extended family, and always a great time on this first day.   And how bout Maximo's motocycle helmet in the picture below.   haha.   I love that guy!


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