Monday, July 15, 2024

New Orleans Day 2 - WW2 Museum

On our first morning in the city, I could only spend 1/2 day with the family as my conference began in town at the Waldorf at 1PM.   But on this trip, as it seems every family vacation, we dealt with calls to the doctor and prescriptions.   This day began with a free made to order breakfast that is my favorite part of any Embassy Suites visit.   But Magan had started to have some eye troubles, so our early morning slow time to get ready for the WW2 museum became very busy for me.   We did not have any of our normal eyedrops, so while magan ate, I walked over to Canal Street to find a CVS to buy some eye drops.   Did I mention that it was incredibly hot, even at 8AM in the morning here.   Already drenched with sweat, and once back with eyedrops, we walked another 5 blocks over to the WW2 museum.   

We were there at the opening of the museum, and my friend and is wife from work joined us for a short period.   But the Sartins had not been here, so they did the museum in the proper order.   Sam joined with me to skip to the newest building at the museum, which covers the holocaust and some of the post war period.   The museum does an excellent job of capturing the real stories from soldiers, and a movie detailing the accounts of soldiers as they walked through the concentration camps was hard to watch.   But very moving, and again, another excellent addition to an amazing museum.   I left Sam back with everyone, and got a sandwich at the soda shop before walking back to the hotel.   I had to change out of my soaking clothes, then elected on an Uber over to the conference hotel.   

My day was just conference, but unique to this NOLA conference, we had a band walk thru the aisles playing music as the leader threw beads out to everyone.   My friends grabbed pictures of me in my "networking" element as I typically make my rounds to chat with everyone, while everyone else on the team just huddles together.   

Back at the museum, they spent the rest of the day until closing there.   I knew they would like this place.   I heard Marcia really liked the extremely high areas of the Boeing hangar.   All liked the movie.   Sam got me the t-shirt I wanted, but I got the wrong size.   I feel like I am a L, but must just come to know that I am an XL.   Davis can probably remember trying to ask one of the museum guides a simple question, but ending up getting 8 complex answers before the guy arrived at the one he was looking for.   I think the guys here are just really excited to talk to anyone that asks a question, so be warned.   I did get a new Dday book which has so far been really cool.   

That night, we visited an Italian place for dinner.   It was really fancy, so Eli and Davis were having fun with that.   We found out the night before that Ruby really like crab cakes, and I am just capturing that here, because I forgot on the previous night.   Magan tried the bread pudding here, but still liked the other one better.   I think there were some late night card playing on this night in our room, while I would stay up watching the Republican National Convention.   James fixed their room and our rooms HVAC units, which is just something James does randomly in hotels.   

Oh, and while later in the week with Marcia, the kids would get walked nearly to death, I won the prize for steps on this day.   Along with my earlier visit to Canal Street in the morning, I had to walk home from the conference to get Magan's CVS eyedrop prescription (different CVS...caused all kinds of problems on this day...I think Magan was probably on the phone for a majority of this day).   I walked to that CVS, filled up my backpack with some snacks and some powerades, and trekked it back to the hotel.  I did get a picture of Sam and Ruby on the patio area of our room on my way back.   So if you look up high, you will see them.   For me, this was enough walking...Uber for the rest of the week for me.   

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