Thursday, July 18, 2024

New Orleans Day 5 - Aquarium and Laurel, MS

 The last day in NOLA was a little hectic for the crew, as they all woke up, packed up all the luggage and drove over to the citiwalk to visit the Aquarium (This was on Scott's lists of todo items).   Instead of going inside, they walked down to the Aquarium only to find that it did not open till 10AM, and this messed up their plans as they wanted to get Cafe Du Monde before the aquarium, but then decided to wait outside in the heat only to realize later that the citiwalk was open early.   

They were only in the aquarium for about an hour, so I am again so happy that the Sartins joined this trip, or this might have been a very boring adventure for the Junkin Bunch.   The kids did get to try and eat some insects at the Insect Museum.   Ruby tried to pet the sting ray, but never could get up enough courage.   And of course she finally found a little stuffed penguin to travel home with her.   That girl and her stuffed animals.   Inside the butterfly area, Magan told me how Ruby was so excited to have a butterfly land on her shoulder.   Magan filmed this, but turned to film something else and missed Ruby holding the butterfly.   

At the conference, we were finishing up, and I got some pictures of my friends Trevor and Charles that got the top two prizes for most beads during the week.   I also caught a picture of my other new friend also named Trevor that just joined our team this week.   Glad to have good friends both within Southern and around the country to visit during these gatherings.   

We all linked up a Cafe Du Monde, where I was finally able to get my own beignets and coffee.   After a bunch of sad farewells, we left the Sartins to head back to Bama.   Me and the boys had a trip to Honduras only about 40 hours from now.   I hear the Sartins went back for some more SnoLa before leaving.   As for our crew, we went back through Mississippi on the return trip, and had one final stop in Laurel MS.   I remembered that last time we passed by Magan wanted to stop to see where some Home Show was filmed.   

We stopped at the Laurel Smokehouse for some of the best BBQ I have had in awhile.   Ribs are taking 20 minutes, we will wait!   Sweet Tea so sweet that the ice would not even sink into.   Fried Okra that had a flavor on it that on recall, tastes alot like that spice on the plantain chips in Honduras...what is that amazing spice?   So lots and lots of BBQ, then a long wait as we each took turns in the bathroom.   We next visited all the streets downtown all guessing which might have been redone on the show, as I don't think even Magan had a clue.   Before leaving, we stopped at teh store by the train tracks and got the special picture that everyone has to get in Laurel.   We never saw those show people, but we assumed they were around somewhere.   And then our little trip was over.   Never know how many trips we will have with the whole crew together in one room...thankful this room was a little larger...but always happy when all of us have the same key for one room.   Where is this Conference next year...Savannah, GA.   So...I guess we will see what the Sartins are doing that week.   

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