Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Honduras Day 5 - A Mountain, Another School, and Best Night with the Sponsored Children

Wednesday morning began early with many in our crew (well, a few) deciding to wake early and walk up the stairs to the top of the Pocono mountain.   The local tourist walk to the top is somewhat of a tradition, but it was not in my plans.   Sam was up and out that morning with the group, and after tossing for another 10 minutes, I figured "oh well, might as well walk up a giant hill".   So while I started a little behind the group, I was able to catch up with them shortly past the church building.   We made it to the top and snapped a few pictures.   Then Sam, Nate and Oscar took an adventurous way down thru some trails.   The rest of us took the normal path down.  Passing some locals on the way back to church, I chatted with a few, and added a note to do this more on future trips.   All are very happy to talk about their hermosa ciudad.   

And this school went really well, but it was small.   Something happened where we were unable to visit the large Borro school on this day, so we went to another.   I know the school, but can't remember the name...maybe Coyol.   At this point, I don't remember any of these school names, and second guess myself on even the ones I have already blogged.   It was great here.   The principal hear is great with the kids and after our skit, he did two really good skits with his kids.   The first one was that all the kids had different sins on them, and he was able, as Jesus, to come help them remove those black sin shirts to have the pure white ones underneath.   A second skit showed all getting stuck to sin, and again Jesus able to get you unstuck.   Really good principal and students here.   I got to return to my favorite Bible Drill for a little while, and had fun with the games here.   I even found a perfect moment to go to the monster in my backpack, and large laughs from the kids and some giggles from a couple of the moms when I pulled out the Peeps Underwear.   Never as big a laugh as that one kid from last year, but it is now a staple in my backback.

After school, Bobby drove us into town where I had my favorite meal of the whole trip.   There was a local restaurant that made papusas and tacos.   Papusas are my favorite meal, and this time the day care kitchen never made them, but this place nailed it.   They were amazing with chicken and cheese, and the tacos had a sweet red, I would be here often if I was local.   This was my first time in town, so Sam and Davis walked me around the city center visiting all the fair rides and games.   We later heard about DJ passing out on the ferris wheel, and that two had fallen from the ferris wheel in previous years here, one falling on a fat person and living, the other dying.   I don't know if any of this was true, except for DJ.   And we ran back into Bobby and the interns at the ice cream place, where Bobby talked us into a free ride on the train.   I was tired and planning to just walk back to the day care, when Bobby said "Hey man, Be a Kid"...and so I jumped on the train.   Sang ChuChuWa...acted a little crazy, and had a townful of Honduranos look at us like we were out of our mind.   I do wonder what those locals think with the groups of gringos thruout the summer.   And back at the daycare, Carlos did come by and visit with us.   I knew if I told him Brandon was there, he would come.   They made a good connection.  

That night was easily my favorite night of the whole trip.   All of the sponsored children were coming to the daycare that night for a meal, some activities, pictures, and a surprise from Bobby, a ride on the train with an ice cream stop.   Last year we had this sponsored kids event, and I was saddened, as Eloisa was there, but none of the families of our church sponsored kids were invited.   When I returned to the states, I realized that none of them had even gotten any letters, so I quickly got the generic username and passwords for this account and began connecting with these kids.   And what a blessing it was on this night.   

Carmen's family came in first with Briggeth, Jeyson, and Anderson.   And we got to facetime with Magan and the girls with their family.   Later the Flores children, Jeffry and Lillian, and all came up with big hugs.   Me and Sam and Davis all crowded around Eloisa when she came in with big hugs, and she had the cutest little baby sister!   Junior came in and we quickly connected.   Then the oldest girl (Oneyda, 15) we sponsor came in a little shy, as honestly I could not remember ever seeing her before on any previous trips, but she made my day with the biggest hug, and smiling when she saw sam and davis (I had shared pics of the whole family with all of them).  Oneyday had two cutie little sisters also.  

We took photos with all of the kids, so they could have them with them.   I got to chat with Lillians Aunt, as her mom was unable to come.   Oneyda was funny and wanted to have a picture with just Sam and Davis.   They are already pretty good big brothers to another little 15 year old.   Davis and Savannah manned the photos and printing, and did an amazing job.   And later I was able to get Magan again on facetime with Lillian and Eloisa.   Eloisa just started beaming when Magan showed the picture we had of her on our fridge.   It was a pretty sweet moment.   Ruby and Eloisa got to talk just a little bit.   I am pretty sure that I killed my back while swinging Anderson and Jeyson around at one point.   And while I was out of breath, and heartrate up super high, and Jonathan asking seriously if I was OK at one point...I was, and I don't think I could be much more happier than on this wonderful night.   But it got even better.

We had a large meal, which is just one way we can bless these families.   Before the meal, I got to say a few words to all that was there, and I don't remember any of them...but it was fun as my translator was DJ (Dana's 13 year old boy), and he did an excellent job.   The families are all excited as they get a huge meal, but with the meal, they get as much cocacola as they want.  :)   

We passed out gift bags that the ladies of the church had both sewn and filled with toys and candy.   Then we went to jump on the train to ride to the ice cream store.   Two girls (Lillian and Oneyda) quickly grabbed my hand to sit next to them, so Sam and Davis took Eloisa in another car.   We danced around, sang chuchuwa for like the wait too many time that week, and had fun with the kids.   I skipped the ice cream, as that is not good for my stomach, but again enjoyed having everyone stuck in a line, as I got to visit with each of the families for a just a bit.   After the ice cream, we got back onto the train for the ride back to the day care.   This time I jumped on with Eloisa, and held her sister so that her mom and her could eat their ice cream.   And with super loud music, dancing, and all of that, that sweet little girl fell asleep on my shoulder on the way back to the day care.   

Before all left, we shared some extra presents.   Magan and the girls had packed Eloisa some extra surprises (sorpresas) which lit up her smile again.   Strangely enough, I handed Lillian a large sack of food that she thru up on her shoulder for the walk/ride back home.   Jeyson was the strong one to carry Carmen's food back home.   Just more are expected of these kids, and they take it with no complaints at all.   Oneyda gave us all big hugs, and I was able to find my last mustard seen necklace to send home with her.   And then Eloisa had to leave, so I grabbed her bag of food, trying to figure out how I could help her mom and the little baby with this food.   She said it was ok and I carried it to the corner to wait for a mototaxi.   When one did not come, two locals on motorcycles saw her needing a ride and stopped to help.   One grabbed the foodbag, the other put Eloisa's backpack on his front, then Eloisa jumped behind him, Momma gave the baby to me, then she jumped on behind Eloisa, then I handed her the baby, and off they went to her house.   Campamento is amazing how the community just seem to work together and help each other.   And there are no real safety rules on the roads.   

It was an amazing night.   I am so thankful that we could bring all of these kids together on this night.   Hope we can continue this night on future trips.   And I can't wait to see what these little guys can do as they get older.   We never got a chance to ever meet our first sponsored child, but have gotten to have some wonderful moments with Eloisa and her sweet family.   The first set of letters to these kids is currently on my todo list.   Probably first thing if I can get these blogs written.  

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