Sunday, November 17, 2024

Outdoor Church

Perhaps the people driving by were reminded of COVID days, I know that is exactly what it has felt like, but with some renovations going on inside, our church elected to just meet outdoors for 2 Sundays and 3 Wednesdays.   Magan and I brought our canopy, and everyone brought their folding chairs.   And if you have good weather, which we did, I think I would rather go back to worship like this.   The cars along Hwy 47 are a bit noisy at times, and there is always that one guy that thinks it is hilarious to honk as they drive by, but a pleasant experience all together.   The individual classes met on different ends of the parking lot, while Ruby's classroom was finished inside, so they just went in.   Terry used his Bible from the first lesson when we started meeting back together after COVID, and showed the rain drops from that day right as the lesson was finishing up.   

On Wednesday nights, we met at the Weldon Pavillion and the kids met on the front porch area.   Outdoor worship is more of a norm when we are down in Honduras, so it helps remind me of some fun times there also.  But I do know one thing as we ended these outdoor services, Ruby let us know that she is ready for a big girl folding chair now...and it does not have to say Ruby on the back.  


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