Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thanksgiving with the Ratcliffs

The annual grandkid picture now has 3 great grands, and two more engaged to be married.   Once sweet Nanny in the middle, and even tho she had to be lifted up these steps into the house for thanksgiving, she was getting around great to have had the fall she had recently.   So while there is much to be thankful for, we are most thankful for this lady in the middle of the first picture.   And looking at the grandkids picture I am thinking that Magan had to photoshop something because all the kids are looking, and I was behind her on that picture, and did not think we had any with all looking.   It was a cold cold thanksgiving, and Magan forgot to charge her camera battery, so we were working with 1 or 2 shots then on to the next one.  But she did great as usual.

As James was wrestling with Olive at one point, he said that he used to throw Jude around like that.   Olive's face was the cutest as everything just stopped and she looked up at James in surprise and unbelief..."You threw Jude around like this?"   It was a great time to visit, and later both Magan and I would both say that we did not feel rushed at all, even with the Junkin Thanksgiving coming up that evening.   But none of these events would ever happen if not for the 4 ladies in the second picture prepping for the day.   

Ok...let's get to the food.   Someone bought a turkey or maybe a chicken...some birdlike creature that tasted very good with a white sauce.   Magan's little chicken wrapped in a biscuit is always my favorite.   Emily created a new dish that I really liked, I think it was called Cheesy Apples, but very good.   I think Marcia made some broccoli dish which probably went straight to the garbage, but it did add some color to the spread.   The rolos with pecans just became my goto snacking for the remainder of the day (thank you belle and ruby).   And the award winning Nanny Ham was delicioso!   You will notice that there was no sleeping scott picture in this event, and it was because I felt it, but it never took over.   


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