Wednesday, May 27, 2020

More Kid's Lessons

Another month of lessons from the kids.  Sam and Davis are much more confident then when we began.  Sam often works in things that he and Ruby have talked about even using a lesson that she prompted him with "Sam, you should to a lesson about helping others".  I liked the way he engaged with Ruby and Belle during his lesson, and I hope that I can be a good example in connecting with people of a younger age.  Davis does the same thing, and I love that, because it is something I want all of our kids at church to be able to do.  

Davis has been reading some of the Hunger Games books, so lessons have had some similar themes.  Belle has been reading Harry Potter, which also provided some good vs. evil themes.  Ruby had Stella read her story for her when they were visiting, and she has gotten very confident when she presents, and funny, I can see how she mimics some of the expressions of Sam and Davis, and it is super cute to watch also.  

And Magan shared a really great lesson around our use of the paint brushes, as all of us had had to do a lot of painting this month.  Her lesson was on doing the work God wants us to do, and not being afraid of the painting, because that is what us paintbrushes are here for.  

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