Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Beginning of the QuarantEND

Just a Hodge Podge of pics during this isolating time...we are not even close to the end, but things are starting to move in that direction finally.  The boys and girls got thank you cards and pictures from nurses that were able to use their 3d printed mask holders.  Ivey Raine came for newborn pictures with a masked photographer.  Pictures below of the kids new school areas...PE time with dad..."Going on a Bear Hunt" bear hidings in the windows...slip and slides...home school treasure box...a visit to Mrs. Williams...downstairs "fort" building...The girls get all of Magan's old barbies, then select who gets which ones...All of the old people decide to share their high school photos thinking that will make the millennials feel better about their ruined 2020 graduation, while really just giving the old people on facebook an opportunity to reconnect to who they once were (yes, I avoid the realism so that Magan can enjoy the wonderful joys of facebook...but I am sure that the 2020 graduates are probably all now getting facebook logins so they can view their parents, and reflect on the grand futures they all have)...while looking for high school pics, magan found many others, so I threw them in here to share that we do get a chance to stop and enjoy some old pics during this quarantine...Magan made cornbread and dressing for the first time...Wyatt played the Oculus and nearly beat a hole in my cabinet and almost in me as he crazily punched at the virtual characters, with amazing punch noises at the same time...One of Belle's vocabulary words was Contamination, and her picture to go with it was a little person screaming "Wash Your Hands or you will contaminate us", that was funny...and a 4 day long Phase 10 game, where Ruby and Belle ended up winning, while I was left by all in phase 7, where I stayed for 2 days, where I lost all joy of Phase 10, and where we have turned towards a new game...Goat Lords...More on that card game...probably next month.  


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